3J's Nutrition Network Best Promo Yet!!! 30% OFF TILL THE 4TH OF JULY!!


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3J's Nutrition Network 4th of July Promotion
"for the land of the free and the home of the brave"

Pool Parties, BBQ's, and Summer Fun will be celebrated this weekend in honor of America's Independence.

3J, in honor of Independence day,
is offering 30% off all his services!
This exclusive promotional offer will only be available until Monday, July 4th, 2011.

Its that time of the year again. Fireworks and barbeques. Everything that America is about falls on the 4th of July. We celebrate our independence, something this country has worked so hard for. In order to commemorate accordingly with this festive holiday, 3J's Nutrition Network is taking 30% off your purchase between now and the 4th of July!!

This is the largest discount 3J's Nutrition Network has every offered!! You will receive 30% off ALL SERVICES!! Here is a great time to buy nutritional coaching for yourself or a loved one!! 3J's Nutrition Network has helped countless people reach their short and long term goals. Give yourself or your loved one the edge that is necessary to gain that absolutely ripped and sexy body!!!!

With the progressive nutritional coaching you will have 3J on your side daily everyday!! All clients get unlimited email correspondence that is lightning fast AND READY AT YOUR DISPOSLE!!!! That's right! 3J doesn't limit the number of e-mails you can send in a week like other nutritionists!!

Its time you put away the excuses and made a life changing decision. No more starving yourself. No more confusion about calories counting. No more questioning and doubting your diet, 3J does it all for you!

3J also optimizes your workout and cardio routine, making sure the diet and training are tailored for each other, bringing about the most optimal results!!


What is 3J's Nutrition Network:
3J's Nutrition Network is a company dedicated to the most effective avenues of knowledge that can be applied in the pursuit of nutritional counseling. With the gain of this knowledge through cutting edge research and ever-the-wise experience, the network reaches out to eager clients who want to get the most out of their efforts in reaching their certain goals.

What do we do for you:
When a member becomes a client for diet advice they are given a questionnaire that allows for a deep look into the lifestyle that the client leads. We look at things like the activity level at work, the workout routine, the cardio routine, the time the person wakes up, sleeps, and works out. We ask about your favorite foods, or foods that you might be allergic to.

All members are required to take a tailors tape measure and measure out certain parts of the body at the start of nutritional advice in order to better track progress of the diet and training routine.

Progressive Nutritional Coaching:
Many nutritional companies will give you a set meal plan and send you out on your merry way. They dont care to do something called MICROCALIBRATION. It is a true statistical law that no one human body works EXACTLY the same way and reacts EXACTLY the same way as another. There are a great deal of genetic and environmental factors that play a role in either hindering or helping you reach your goals. Someone may have been eating 2 meals a day for the last year. He cant just be put on a 6 meal a day program and sent on his way. We would have to follow him, watch his progress, and make tweaks in his diet to safely and optimally move him into a 6 meal a day plan. There are other factors that play, too many to list here, that could involve tweaking and adjusting your diet. The progressive nutritional coaching is there to compensate for these possible variations from client to client. Some may have extremely slow metabolisms that need speeding up and cannot be done without following them for a number of weeks. Some may have a super fast metabolism and need more calories then what the "standard" approach for someone their weight and bf is. This progressive coaching deals with those possible problems

The minimum amount of nutritional progressive coaching that any of my clients receive is 5 weeks so that we know the diet is working out well for them. The variation in weeks of coaching, based upon packages, will be explained when we get to the packages themselves.


3J's Nutrition Network
"Customized meal plans and progressive nutritional coaching to help you reach your personal goals!"
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