3rd and maybe last cycle


New member
My experience with AS I started out weighting 150lbs 5’9” two cycles later im now 180lbs and I love it My first cycle was 12 weeks test only and I had a few sides nothing major a small bit of acne a little extra hair growth small cold due to my immune system was weaken by AS, really good gains.21 days of post cycle therapy (pct) everything looking good and back to normal.

I waited 14 weeks to do another cycle.Test work really well at 500mg a week
250 Tuesday and 250 Saturday so I went with test stack with Anadrol 50 and the Anadrol rocked I really liked this stuff. After 4 weeks I stopped the Anadrol. And after 8 weeks of my cycle the first side I was I started having shortness of breath and snoring at night I went to the doctor and he said I had chronic asthma im like what the fuck is this quack talking about. He gave me two kinds of medication a few days I was good as new.
2nd side I started noticing some hair loss which is common. The gains were looking good
I stopped the cycle after 10 weeks. I was getting chin splints while running so I had to loose some weight for the military APFT. Three weeks of post cycle therapy (pct). Everything back to normal.

12 weeks later I start another cycle I have lost 10 lbs and a small amount of gains (normal).
10 weeks into my cycle of test only im 188 lbs loving the gains but the sides start and this time the sides are different
1st acne on my stomach, chest, shoulder blades, lower back. and arms
2nd more hair loss
3rd extreme hair growth on my back shoulders and my ass
4th shortness of breath and snoring
5th cant sleep
6th limp dick
7th puffy sore nipples pointing downward
8th starting to feel tired most of the day

I know these are normal side effects but I didn’t think I would get all these with my third cycle since cycle 1 and 2 was for the most part normal sides

Im not sure but this is probably gonna be the last cycle for a while at least till November then I will try another method like 8 week cycle or something
good to read someone starting on AS the right way...easing instead of indulging. the sides are unfortunate, glad you did see solid gains though
to help aid you in this "8th starting to feel tired most of the day" you should try taking one cc a month for about 3 months at least of V B12 injections.
i going to start post cycle therapy (pct) and see what happens in a few weeks when im back to normal (hopefully)
JR How much time has passed since the start of your first cycle and the end of your third.
Gains dont stop until your eating does. Losing 10 pounds post cycle therapy (pct) is not normal unless you pull in water like a whale.
Meatball said:

sides dont kick in until week 5-6 and get much worse as the cycle goes on, gains stop after the 5th week.

Wrong! I don't know where you get your information or how your cycles have been but that is untrue. My gains don't usually start until about week 4-5 and continue on as long as I eat and train right. I usually lose about 5lbs of water when I come off, but 10lbs probably means you were either really bloated or just stopped eating right.

PCT doesn't mean dick if you eat like a girl.
Sorry for the generalized post, I think we were both wrong by not stating what works for some may not work for others.

Apologies bro.
i have completed post cycle therapy (pct) and i want to stat a cycle but now that i know what could happen i think i will stay natural