3rd Cycle / 1st time Sustanon 300 cycle


New member
I've ran two cycles prior to this, both were Test-e 500mg per week for 12 weeks. I used proper AI and PCT had great results both times. I have done 1 cycle per year so they have been pretty spaced out. I'm about to start a Sustanon 12 week cycle and wanted to get some opinions, I've heard some conflicting opinions on dose and pin timing.

My Stats: 28 Years old, 5'7", 185 pounds, 12%BF(hydrostatic test). Personal trainer with a flexible scheduling unlimited access to the gym. Train 6 days a week. 4 days are split sessions AM/PM. All my strength numbers are pretty high for my current weight. Mostly powerlifting and Olympic lifting, I follow a program for these lifts. Cardio is done with interval training and short high intense workouts. I track my diet with myfitnesspal, And consistently hit 3300-3500 of pretty clean food. Almost no processed food. I don't do much for supplements, just Liquid Fish oil, protein powder(I try to eat real food whenever possible instead), sometimes BCAA's in my gallon of water, and 5g of Creatine a day.

My planned cycle (suggestions and advice appreciated)

weeks 1-12 Sust 300
weeks 1-4 Dbol 50mg per day, spread out.
weeks 1-12 proviron 25mg eod (I had little to no sides on Test-e using .25 arimidex eod)

PCT - I have a standard one set using Clomid.
I do have nolvadex also so I'm open to any opinions on using them together. I've heard mixed opinions.

My real question I've been debating. With Test-e I did 500mg per week. pinning 250mg tue / 250mg fri, but for Sustanon I'm not sure to stick with the 600mg per week split into two shots, 300mg tue / 300mg fri or I've heard advice saying to pin every 3 days but then do you reduce your dose to make it exactly 600mg per week or just pin 300mg every 3 days.

Thanks for any advice, the reason my first two cycle were so successful were because of advice and information from here.
Sust should be pinned eod to keep stable blood levels. Proviron doesn't replace an ai so you will need to use one also. A standard pct has both nolva and clomid in it...
You'll get mixed opinions on the injection frequency necessary for Sustanon 250, but I recommend 2 injections per week (3.5 days apart)

Here is the breakdown of the esters in Sustanon 250...

30 mg testosterone propionate
60 mg testosterone phenylpropionate
60 mg testosterone isocaproate
100 mg testosterone decanoate

As you can see, the short ester (propionate) only takes up a very small portion of the total volume.
Your pinning frequency should always be dictated by the predominant ester - which in this case is decanoate.

Every 3.5 days works just fine for the decanoate ester.

In the greater scheme of things, whether you pin EOD or every 3.5 days won't make a scrap of difference at all - it's the total volume pinned throughout the week that matters.

In the UK we used to use Sustanon for TRT - and I personally ran Sustanon for almost 18 months - I pinned E3.5D and had no issues whatsoever - and in my eyes, the less pins per cycle = less possible complications.


Clomid - 75/50/50/50
Nolvadex - 40/40/20/20

I'd also recommend running HCG throughout the cycle from week 1 until 3 days before PCT.

EDIT: I've just noticed that you said you had Sustanon 300... If this is the case, then it isn't Sustanon. It is 300mg of whatever test esters that the lab put in there!

Sustanon is a brand name with a very specific ratio to the 4 tests contained in it.
Change the ratio or change one of the esters, and quite simply, it isn't Sustanon anymore!

Sort of like saying "My Toyota has a Ford engine in it"
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You'll get mixed opinions on the injection frequency necessary for Sustanon 250, but I recommend 2 injections per week (3.5 days apart)

Here is the breakdown of the esters in Sustanon 250...

30 mg testosterone propionate
60 mg testosterone phenylpropionate
60 mg testosterone isocaproate
100 mg testosterone decanoate

As you can see, the short ester (propionate) only takes up a very small portion of the total volume.
Your pinning frequency should always be dictated by the predominant ester - which in this case is decanoate.

Every 3.5 days works just fine for the decanoate ester.

In the greater scheme of things, whether you pin EOD or every 3.5 days won't make a scrap of difference at all - it's the total volume pinned throughout the week that matters.

In the UK we used to use Sustanon for TRT - and I personally ran Sustanon for almost 18 months - I pinned E3.5D and had no issues whatsoever - and in my eyes, the less pins per cycle = less possible complications.


Clomid - 75/50/50/50
Nolvadex - 40/40/20/20

I'd also recommend running HCG throughout the cycle from week 1 until 3 days before PCT.

EDIT: I've just noticed that you said you had Sustanon 300... If this is the case, then it isn't Sustanon. It is 300mg of whatever test esters that the lab put in there!

Sustanon is a brand name with a very specific ratio to the 4 tests contained in it.
Change the ratio or change one of the esters, and quite simply, it isn't Sustanon anymore!

Sort of like saying "My Toyota has a Ford engine in it"
Very nice analogy, helps me see it simpler too, thanks!
Testosterone propionate 36mg
Testosterone phenylpropionate 72mg
Testosterone isocaproate 72mg
Testosterone decanoate 120mg

Thanks guys, I have arimidex for ai also.