3rd cycle and I need some expert advice. Test/tren/HCG


Amateur Bodybuilder
I am 6'2" and 251 lbs. at 12% body fat and I am 24 years old. 3 years ago I ran my first cycle of Test cypionate at 500 mg/week for 12 weeks and immediately fell in love. about 5 months ago I finished my second cycle which was a 12 week cycle of test E at 750 mg/week and d bol for the first four weeks at 50mg ED. I always do a proper PCT and get blood work that confirms that I did everything properly as my levels all returned to normal both times. My diet is there. I am getting between 5000-6000 calories per day and eat fairly lean. 6 meals per day consisting of a protein (chicken, fish, steak, etc...), a carbohydrate (1-2 cups white rice, brown rice, sweet potato, baked potato, etc...), and some veggies. snacks include hard boiled eggs throughout the day, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with whole wheat bread, oats, etc... my diet is not perfect but it is very good. My next cycle is going to be a little different and I have done a lot of research. Being that I tend to get little of the bad sides of AAS I am going to run a high test/low tren ace cycle. If the sides from the tren ace are too serious I will stop the tren all together but I love high test and cant imagine doing it the other way around. my cycle so far is posted below and I will take all the criticism you can throw at me but please keep it beneficial. I really don't want to hear the, "you don't need steroids you are 24 and have all the hormones you need" because I have taken them and they have been great to me.

This will be my next 12 week cycle and would love opinions from people who have done similar cycles:

1-12: Test E 900 mg/week administered EOD to keep stable levels.
2-12: tren ace 300 mg/week EOD
8-12: HCG 500 IU's/week (not sure to administer EOD or E3D and could use some help in that aspect)
PCT will begin 14 days after last test poke and will be nolva and clomid as usual
I will keep adex on hand just in case of gyno symptoms

Could use any input, especially on HCG use as I am new to this drug. I haven't started this cycle yet and am waiting 2 months to do so.
That information was awesome. I decided to drop the tren because I don't think that I am ready for that yet. I will run 250 ius of HCG twice a week from the start of my cycle all the way until I start PCT. So this is now my cycle layout:

1-4: Dbol 30 mg/day
1-12: test E 900 mgs/week
1-14: HCG 500 IUs per week
starting pct at the beginning of week 14 nolva and clomid.
I am going to use adex to control my gyno if it appears (when i ran 750 mg/test 12 weeks and 60mg/d bol for first 4 last cycle I barely had flare ups so I am hoping to get thru without much adex).

The only other question I have for you is what should my adex dosage be? I don't want to deplete all the estrogen but I also don't want gyno. any advice?
Might wanna go .50mgs eod running that much test and dbol. Get bloodwork 4-6 weeks in and see where your e2 is at. I'm running 1mg of liquidex daily and I'm not on that much gear.
Might wanna go .50mgs eod running that much test and dbol. Get bloodwork 4-6 weeks in and see where your e2 is at. I'm running 1mg of liquidex daily and I'm not on that much gear.

That's a lot of adex tbone what are you running?
I'd keep the test the same as your second cycle and add the tren in and see how you react. Tren is powerful stuff and if you're an ultra responder you won't need more then that