3rd cycle, cutter - tren/prop/mast/gh/t4

mite e mouse

New member
This is my 3rd AAS cycle, been off for 4 months. Been cycling T4 and GH as well, and been off of that for 6 weeks now. Going to start this new cycle in about 4 weeks. Would like to gain 10lbs of lean mass, cut and get stronger. Using a ketogenic cycling diet and using natural supplements for overall health. Please give your input. Suggestions?

26yrs, 8%bf, 157lbs, 5'7"

Week 1-15: Test Prop (100mg, EOD)
Week 1-15: Trenbolone (100mg, EOD)
Week 1-15: Masteron (100mg, EOD)
Week 1-15: GH (3.3iu, 6x/week in am)
Week 1-5: T4 (150-50mcg, ED, tapering down)
Week 11-15: T4 (150-50mcg, ED, tapering down)
Week 1-14: HCG (220iu, E4D)
Week 1-15: Arimidex (.25mg, ED)
Week 1-15: Nolvadex (10mg, ED)
Week 16-22: Nolvadex (50-10mg, ED tapering down)
Whooa whooa whooa bro! Preload some prop, reduce the tren duration, triple the duration of GH, NO Nolva til a week after last prop shot and it looks perfect
Wk1-15 Test prop
wk3-13 Tren
wk1-15 arimadex
wk1-15 masteron
wk GH 1month prior-1month after or as long as u can afford
T4-? HCG? Really is that expense necessary?
wk 16-22 Nolva
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This is your 3rd cycle and you only weigh 157?! Shannaigans! Something is wrong with your diet man. You need to get that in check ASAP.
I had a reconstructive surgery that kept me out of action for about 6 months, and about 18months total of very training, at least not heavy. Ive always been light and Im right where i`d like to be going into this one. I do not want to be huge, just have a hard ripped look.

I will definitely be continuing the GH for a minimum of 6 months. Thanks for the advice, Juicy - whats the reason for shorter duration of Tren? The other suggestions make sense..though I have read that a little nolva throughout can help in small doses

as for the T4, anthony roberts gave a great article on cycling t4 with GH - mesomorphosis.com/articles/anthony-roberts/thyroid-and-growth-hormone.htm

the hcg to mimic LH and maintain sensitivity...quicker recovery once post cycle therapy (pct) starts
Tren A can have some harsh sides, as you've probably read. I've seen many people post about loving the results but needing to cut the cycle shorter than expected because they were tired of the sides. 8-10 weeks of tren A seems to be a normal goal. I'm currently running tren E and feel like I could go longer than 10 weeks, but it's an entirely different ester with a different magnitude of side effects. Bottom line is this stuff effect everyone differently. If you plan to run 13 weeks don't be surprised or disappointed if you don't make it that long on the tren.
I'm likely going to shoot 50ml tren ace ED, and throw in 50ml of each mast prop and test prop ED as well, just to keep it simple - as long as I can handle daily injections, which I've never tried. I did 75ml tren ace for 11 weeks on my last cycle and the side effects were ok. The challenge was actually the adjustment in the first few weeks - night sweats, changing my bed sheets daily :/

If my glutes can take ED shots, where is ideal? I've never tried any other spots since I did EOD in the past

Also, with just .25ml Arimidex ED (which is all I could get), is that enough for gyno considering my doses? Should nolva be kept for post cycle therapy (pct) only? or would 10mg ED be ok?
Something else to clarify...If I do keep the tren to only 10 weeks, Should the masteron be shortened too? (tren 50ml ED week 1-10, mast 50ml ED week 6-15)

I am using the masteron to keep a dry, hard look to avoid aromatization from the test prop - i want absolutely no bloat, even if it compromises some mass gains. So Im concerned that I may bloat too much in the first 5 weeks without mast (So basically, if masteron can be run along side test prop for 15 weeks i'd rather do that)

I will also front load the prop - whats the best dosing for this, while minimizing bloat?

thanks again
Those are very technical questions that no body is suited to verify for your personal individuality as in what your bodies homeostasis sits at naturally. THAT is the determining factor in how you will react to these compounds together. This is a very complicated cycle IMO, I'ld only truly recommend HGH/Test(Prop) to ANYONE. Its simple and derived from the main anabolic hormones the body naturally grows(Lean) with. Always just use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) with test, all should go according to plan or better. Use what symptoms you anticipate from previous experience to address and treat those symptoms. Only you can really tell what you will need, you just have to learn yourself. For ME being I have a naturally hi level test AND estrogen, gyno is simply part of the equation. I treat my increased aromatized estrogen with Letrozol because its the only thing strong enough to make a difference in MY body. MOST people dont do well with hi letro doses, but Im the acception.. Does this make any sense?lol