3rd Cycle (D-Bol, Test Pro, EQ) need some advice and suggestions please...


Junior Bodybuilder
Hi guys, I've done 2 cycles already, one of Test Cyp with Deca, and second, Test Pro and Tren A,
with PCT and everything. Now I'm planning my 3rd cycle as it follows:

1 D-Bol: 50mg/day | Test Propionate 600mg/week | Boldenone 500mg/wk
2 D-Bol: 50mg/day | Test Propionate 600mg/week | Boldenone 500mg/wk
3 D-Bol: 50mg/day | Test Propionate 600mg/week | Boldenone 500mg/wk
4 D-Bol: 50mg/day | Test Propionate 600mg/week | Boldenone 500mg/wk
5 D-Bol: 50mg/day | Test Propionate 600mg/week | Boldenone 500mg/wk
6 D-Bol: 50mg/day | Test Propionate 600mg/week | Boldenone 500mg/wk
7 ----------------- | Test Propionate 600mg/week | Boldenone 500mg/wk
8 ----------------- | Test Propionate 600mg/week | Boldenone 500mg/wk
9 ----------------- | Test Propionate 600mg/week | Boldenone 500mg/wk | Winstrol 50mg/EOD
10 ---------------- | Test Propionate 600mg/week | Boldenone 500mg/wk | Winstrol 50mg/EOD
11 ---------------- | Test Propionate 600mg/week | Boldenone 500mg/wk | Winstrol 50mg/EOD
12 ---------------- | Test Propionate 600mg/week | -------------------- | Winstrol 50mg/EOD

HCG - from 2nd to 19th week: 250iu (twice a week) (TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS)
Arimidex(anastrozol) : 1mg every other day if NEEDED only! (to avoid gyno and bloat from the D-BOL)

PCT - Post Cycle Therapy

Week Clomid ------- Arimidex(anastrozol) ---- Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) ------------- Vitamin E -------- Proviron
14 -- 100mg/day ---- 1mg/day ------------- 250iu(EOD) ------- 1000iu/day ------ 50mg/day
15 -- 100mg/day ---- 1mg/day ------------- 250iu(2xWeek) ---- 1000iu/day ------ 25mg/day
16 -- 50mg/day ----- 1mg/day ------------- 250iu(2xWeek) ---- 1000iu/day ------ 25mg/day
17 -- 50mg/day ----- 1mg/day ------------- 250iu(2xWeek) ---- 1000iu/day ------ 25mg/day
18 -- 50mg/day ---------------------------- 250iu(1xWeek) ---- 1000iu/day ------ 25mg/day
19 -- 50mg/day ---------------------------- 250iu(1xWeek) ---- 1000iu/day ------ 25mg/day

Stats: 31yrs old, 6'2, 205lbs, 9%BF, training since April 2009.
last year I was 177lbs before I started my 1st cycle, then I went to 217lbs and now I'm solid on 205lbs.

Should I add Clenbuterol or some other stuff to help burn the FAT e get more cut? I almost have 4packs,
def not 6. I have a good size of muscles comparing to an average dude, however I need/want to get lot more
RIPPED and lot more vascular. Any suggestion or advice is extremely appreciated! Thanks!
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