3rd cycle suggestions,Help!


New member
Hello Everyone!
I just recently got off my second cycle, currently running Nolva and DAA. I'm about to be 23 years old and i weigh 178lbs. I made some pretty good gains with both my first and second cycle, and I want to start gathering everything for my third cycle, here's the thing I don't know what to run next. I'm thinking something with Tren but would like some input on what would be best! Here's what my first and second cycle looked like.

1st Cycle, 8weeks: Test E 500mg/Wk- 8weeks

2nd Cycle, 12 weeks: Test E 600mg/wk- weeks 1-8
Sus 350 700mg/wk- weeks 8-12
Adex .5mg E3d/ Weeks 6-12

Thank you in advance.
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Deca is a bit more friendly than Tren. I'd recommend that if it's your first go around with adding in other compounds.

I've heard EQ is nice as well but no experience with it. I used Deca for my first couple and really liked the results. It was a very trouble free compound for me...but you will need to get used to longer cycles to enjoy the full benefit I think. Like maybe 12 weeks.
I would suggest a full test cycle. You ran short cycles with long esters! Read this link:


My second cycle was 12 weeks long, should I have extended it?

so you have just only used testosterone.. nothing else

Well yes, it was only my first couple of cycles, although for the second one i did change it up and used the sus the last weeks of the cycle.
Deca is a bit more friendly than Tren. I'd recommend that if it's your first go around with adding in other compounds.

I've heard EQ is nice as well but no experience with it. I used Deca for my first couple and really liked the results. It was a very trouble free compound for me...but you will need to get used to longer cycles to enjoy the full benefit I think. Like maybe 12 weeks.

What would be the best way to set up the cycle with Deca?
i would personally go
adex-.5 eod e3d
eq-6-800 start with 6
hcg if u wish
run cycle min of 12 weeks to 16 or there aboughts
i would personally go
adex-.5 eod e3d
eq-6-800 start with 6
hcg if u wish
run cycle min of 12 weeks to 16 or there aboughts

How harsh is EQ on the body, from your experience. Also, I've read a lot of debate on hcg being optional, since this is my third cycle is it absolutely necessary, or is it really optional?
Those first two cycles look strange the way you put the together. AI usage is off in both cycles. Switching esters in the second cycle to one that takes 4 weeks to clear your system before your can start PCT -- why do that? No hCG either. At least you are seeking help for your third cycle.

Did you run blood work for either of those cycles?

Why aren't you running clomid and nolva for PCT?

Why would you start using AAS in your early 20's?

What is your height and body fat%? 178 pounds after two cycles doesn't sound that impressive unless you are really short. What were your start before you started each of your cycles?
your 173lbs? How tall are you? You should work on your diet before starting another cycle. 3J is someone to talk to. And Tren is one helluva drug, id stay away from that till you are more experienced and you're seeing gains from your diet. Get with 3J spend the gear money on his services instead. You'll see better gains.