New member
5'5 200 lb 20% BF
first cycle was at age 19 350mg Test Enanthate per week for 16 weeks
gained 25 lbs kept around 20 with a gain of 5-7 pounds of fat
next cycle was about 6 months after (post cycle therapy (pct) for last cycle was clomid and nolva). didn't do blood work, 'felt' ok
next cycle was test prop 500mg/week tren ace 350mg /week and dbol 30mg ED. I dropped the dbol in a couple of weeks as it felt like 'too much'. incredible strength gains, conditioning vascularity and leanness (cutting cycle). looked amazing after
post cycle therapy (pct) was a little spotty for this one started a week late and was indisposed and had to cut post cycle therapy (pct) 3 weeks early. 'felt' ok no bloodwork
now I am 24 been 3 years since I lifted seriously and getting back into it. I love being 'on' and went quickly to the local pharma in india and picked up some test. it is a 1ml blend of 100mg test enanthate and 20mg test prop. I like prop over E I am trying to find pure prop around here but might be stuck with this
I don't know if my psychology 'developed' while AAS and I feel 'normal' on it or if I genuinely had a hormonal issue after my second cycle but a week into this cycle (front loading an ml of this blend ED) I am feeling the best and most 'normal' I have in years. my sexuality and stuff was about 95% of normal last 3 years so I never 'suspected' anything
I am trying to lean out while maintaining/gaining some LMM and strength
thinking of adding anavar and dbol to this cycle and dropping test to 500 eventually/week
first cycle was at age 19 350mg Test Enanthate per week for 16 weeks
gained 25 lbs kept around 20 with a gain of 5-7 pounds of fat
next cycle was about 6 months after (post cycle therapy (pct) for last cycle was clomid and nolva). didn't do blood work, 'felt' ok
next cycle was test prop 500mg/week tren ace 350mg /week and dbol 30mg ED. I dropped the dbol in a couple of weeks as it felt like 'too much'. incredible strength gains, conditioning vascularity and leanness (cutting cycle). looked amazing after
post cycle therapy (pct) was a little spotty for this one started a week late and was indisposed and had to cut post cycle therapy (pct) 3 weeks early. 'felt' ok no bloodwork
now I am 24 been 3 years since I lifted seriously and getting back into it. I love being 'on' and went quickly to the local pharma in india and picked up some test. it is a 1ml blend of 100mg test enanthate and 20mg test prop. I like prop over E I am trying to find pure prop around here but might be stuck with this
I don't know if my psychology 'developed' while AAS and I feel 'normal' on it or if I genuinely had a hormonal issue after my second cycle but a week into this cycle (front loading an ml of this blend ED) I am feeling the best and most 'normal' I have in years. my sexuality and stuff was about 95% of normal last 3 years so I never 'suspected' anything
I am trying to lean out while maintaining/gaining some LMM and strength
thinking of adding anavar and dbol to this cycle and dropping test to 500 eventually/week