3rd Cycle winny/sust/dbol


New member
I'm starting my 3rd cycle soon and wanted to see what you guys think.

Week 1-10 500 mg of Sustanon (sust). a week
Week 1-10 50 mg of oral Winstrol (winny) a week
Week 3-10 25 mg of DBol a day
PCT will be Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and Novla

I'm 26, 6'1" and about 205 pds. I don't know what my BF% is for sure but I would guess high teens. I was thinking about following this up with a fina/cyp cycle to lean back up.

Any feedback is appreciated.
yeah,lol. looks like you wont have to us emuch Winstrol (winny) this cycle....
alright, im done being a smartass, if your going to do oral Winstrol (winny), 50mg would be what you would want to take a day. in my opinion, the injectable version of Winstrol (winny) would be a much wiser choice.
I'm thinking that is what he meant!! 50 a day on the Winstrol (winny). Just wondering why would you not put the Winstrol (winny) in there or was it just the week part u did not like.
10 weeks is too long for the orals. Try dbol for 4 weeks at least 2 weeks off then Winstrol (winny) for 3-4 weeks. Need to give your liver some recovery time.