4 weeks out at 222lbs!


New member
Well, still plugging along weight is 222lbs and tightening up slowly here and there! At this point I'm just holding onto my weight and seeing if it drops on its own without any adjustment to calories. I have actually gained a pound and seemed to have gotten a bit tighter in the last week. Not sure why that happened, but definately not because of a cheat day! What is a cheat day anyway!! LOL ....haven't had one of those for.......oh 20 weeks and four weeks to go! Oh well it seems to have paid of this year to have dieted longer, but is definately much harder and you have to be more focussed!
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Good luck with your comp! Where in Canada are you! I'm 19 weeks out and I'm dreaming aobut cheat food every night!!! Great pics!
Looks like your on point for 4 weeks. Usually this is the time when everything really starts to pop, and after your last week you should be shred-fucked :)

What's your training and diet look like currently?
outlawtas2 said:
Looks like your on point for 4 weeks. Usually this is the time when everything really starts to pop, and after your last week you should be shred-fucked :)

What's your training and diet look like currently?

I cut and Pasted this from my 6 week out thread its still all the same!

Training is pretty much free weights and I stick with mostly compound exercises. I tend to go with 5-6 different exercises 4-5 five sets each and keeping the reps between 6-12! Cardio started off at 30 minutes, but was kicked up to 45 minutes per day around the 12 week mark. I usually ride the bike so i can do cardio at home, but I will also go for walks making sure I'm breathing heavy through the 45 minute walk. I actually find the walking better than biking for some reason my hams and glutes get a better work out by walking!
Diet is as follows:
2 oz of oatmeal 200
8 egg whites 136

7.6 oz of chicken 372.4
14 oz of carrots 140

7.6 oz of chicken 372.4
14 oz of carrots 140

7.6 oz of chicken 372.4
14 oz of carrots 140

7.6 oz of chicken 372.4
14 oz of carrots 140

8.6 oz of chicken 421.4
14 oz of carrots 140

This what I eat exactly from 7 weeks out! With the exception of just protein days which by the way are pure hell, but will get you weight down if your sticking! I don't always eat carrots been eating mostly california mix and green beans! Some say tat their is to much sugar in the carrots, but the amount of protein counters the sugars from the carrots!

You look great from 6 weeks out. 210 maybe a little tough when it comes to the last week or two judging by how lean you are already. Good luck buddy.