40 yr Old Male - First Cycle


New member
So, I was diagnosed with Chronically low test at 40...42 now....and after a run with the 'Dr Script' for Test Cyp, I got tired of the super red moon face and other small S/Effects...yadda yadda....my new best briend tell me doc is wrong...Cyp is the worst....I'm told to start on a 4 week cycle of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and Clomid to combat the naturally low test, y'know, kick it all into gear, and grow a pair...post that cycle, look at an Ethanate ....eat food, pump iron...this making sense?

Much appreciate your input. Thanks ya'll
if you want to do a Test cycle i would do it like this....

wk1-16 test E/500mgs/wk/split into 2 shots/monday,thursday


only use Aromatase inhibitor (AI) if you start to see estrogen related sides...bloating/gyno

clomid-50/50/50/50 thats 50mgs ED for 4weeks
nolvadex-40/40/20/20 thats 40mgs ED for 2weeks the 20mgs ED for 2weeks.

this is what my test cycle would look like.

i hope this helped!
if you want to do a Test cycle i would do it like this....

wk1-16 test E/500mgs/wk/split into 2 shots/monday,thursday


only use Aromatase inhibitor (AI) if you start to see estrogen related sides...bloating/gyno

clomid-50/50/50/50 thats 50mgs ED for 4weeks
nolvadex-40/40/20/20 thats 40mgs ED for 2weeks the 20mgs ED for 2weeks.

this is what my test cycle would look like.

i hope this helped!

This is by the numbers, best plan you can get bro...
Thank you for the quick reply gents; 'Every Drop', thank you for the itemized info, this is what I'm looking for.....not sure I asked this correctly though, please be patient, I'm new at 'er.....so Meathead, yes, this should be in testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) section if that were my goal, but it's not...I was trying that route, and yes, Doc sux, so I'm moving on, and now I want to grow ...my 'gear man' tells me to stop it all.....then if I want to start a juice cycle to do the following:

- 4 weeks of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and Clomid to get 'the boys' in shape
- a proper weight gain diet while on the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and Clomid
- then he'll start me on a test 'juice' cycle to help build size

apologies, I'm no longer just looking for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), or maintaining Test levels, I'm thinking, heck, I'm 42, I have a script for this stuff, why not get in shape and get some size....soooo the long question is.....does the 4 weeks of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and Clomid sound like a plan to start?...my fella says that this plus diet will make me grow like a rock star, then when we start on the gear, 'Ka Boom'...


Thank you
Thank you for the quick reply gents; 'Every Drop', thank you for the itemized info, this is what I'm looking for.....not sure I asked this correctly though, please be patient, I'm new at 'er.....so Meathead, yes, this should be in testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) section if that were my goal, but it's not...I was trying that route, and yes, Doc sux, so I'm moving on, and now I want to grow ...my 'gear man' tells me to stop it all.....then if I want to start a juice cycle to do the following:

- 4 weeks of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and Clomid to get 'the boys' in shape
- a proper weight gain diet while on the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and Clomid
- then he'll start me on a test 'juice' cycle to help build size

apologies, I'm no longer just looking for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), or maintaining Test levels, I'm thinking, heck, I'm 42, I have a script for this stuff, why not get in shape and get some size....soooo the long question is.....does the 4 weeks of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and Clomid sound like a plan to start?...my fella says that this plus diet will make me grow like a rock star, then when we start on the gear, 'Ka Boom'...


Thank you

Sounds like a shitty idea and he's just trying to make money off of you. If you want a better quality of life then get your testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) straightened out before cycling. You don't sound like your ready for a cycle to me or have the knowledge needed. Dont take advice from someone thats trying to sell you gear. Period. Do some research on your own. Growing "like a rock star" is all based on diet. Getting your testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and diet straightened out first would be your best plan of action. A cycle will just shut you down even more and then you'll likely end up with even lower T levels when you finish. You'll feel like shit and probably lose anything you may have gained. Be smart about this.
excellent points: will continue to research ....which of course means ya'll will be hearing more from me.

Great resource, glad this forum is around!

if you want to do a Test cycle i would do it like this....

wk1-16 test E/500mgs/wk/split into 2 shots/monday,thursday


only use Aromatase inhibitor (AI) if you start to see estrogen related sides...bloating/gyno

clomid-50/50/50/50 thats 50mgs ED for 4weeks
nolvadex-40/40/20/20 thats 40mgs ED for 2weeks the 20mgs ED for 2weeks.

this is what my test cycle would look like.

i hope this helped!

This is spot on. This is the simplest most effective cycle. But usually is ran for 12 weeks. But at your age if you keep seeing good signs pass on into 16 weeks.

Since you're already used to pinning. I'd use Dbol to jump start your gain if you're looking for size. Yes there is bloat but your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) should keep it down (ADex) :bigok:
Hmmm, so you are no longer doing testosterone replacement therapy (TRT)? You just want to cycle? My thoughts are if you cycle & do a post cycle therapy (pct) won't you just end up at your low test number whatever that was & lose your gains b/c you have low T? Making a cycle kind of a waste? I'm just not sure I am interpreting your question/info correctly. Btw you can make great gains on a Trt dose. I did.
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