.45 vs. .22 micron filters


.45 vs. .20 micron filters

What's the difference (besides .25, smartasses :p)?

Is it harder to push through .20's? Do they not last as long?
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the .22 are very difficult to push esp with a thick carrier oil. the .45s work well and do what is needed. the only thing i have used the .22 for is making sterile water. I accidently used a .22 one time with fina and thought the filter was stopped up til i looked at it and saw that it was a .22. i dont know of any harmfull bacteria that is between these two sizes. (not saying that there isnt) it is overkill to use the .22. any bacteria that does make it thru a .45 is easily killed by heating for one hour at 250f in the oven.
Everyone talks about heating to kill bactreria, how do I do this?? I know in the oven.:) But isn't my filtered solution now in a vial with a ruber seal... (Go easy on me its only my second post..)


Thanks in advance
The rubber seal will be fine. place a whatever size you want needle in the stopper to vent the bottle.
I've made Fina homebrew with a kit and the result was cloudy after .45 filtering and heating. The only thing that cleared the oil was running it through a .22

The filtering is slow and painful on the fingers if you do 100 ml batch. All I can say is the result is worth the effort. The oil came out perfectly clear, golden in color. It never clouded again after using the .22 filter.

I have 2 more batches to make. I'll use a .45 as the first filter, then the .22 as the final. One recommendation is to heat the oil prior to filtering. A pan with boiling water will help to thin the oil a bit.