5 weeks out from the show!!


New member
Well here I am, 5 weeks out from the show.
I am weighing about 206lbs right now.
Still have a few pounds to lose.

I was a little disappointed with these pics. For some reason my vascularity in my legs was not there, neither were the cuts. I think it was too cold in the gym. In anycase, here they are:
Quad sweep is excellent. Vascularity is coming in slowly but surely. You'll probably start to see a lot more in the next couple weeks.
Nice, you got your abs now too. :D

Everything looks great. Keep it up & good luck @ your show. :)
mister69 said:
looking good, what weight u shootin to step on stage at?

BTW yuo are a big 206lber

Thanks bro, I would like to be on stage around 196-198. That way I am the very top of the light-heavy. This class is going to be VERY hard. Most of the guys in the class are like 5'7" and weigh the same.
So I need my conditioning to be spot on.
mike i have to say you are looking awesome..there are 2 things that really POP out at me though and thats your arms and legs..those 2 really over power the rest of your physique IMO..your arms are insanely huge and quad/leg development is awesome. unfortunetly i do not see a good lat spread. which i think takes away from your torso size wise..especially compared to your arms and legs. i know as you get closer you abs will come in even more as i could clearly see your obliques and serratus really well.
i think you are really starting to dial in well Mike..and good luck
Thanks guys. I really worked by back hard this last year, and I am disappointed by how it is lacking. I guess I will just have to try some new things this next year after the shows.
Thanks again!