5 weeks post-cycle and jizzing like Pete North...


New member
I finished this 8-week cutter about 5 weeks ago:

Weeks 1-8: 100mg Test Prop EOD
Weeks 1-8: 75mg Tren EOD
Weeks 2-8: T3 Taper

My sex drive went crazy during this cycle, and I got a little impatient and paranoid with people (probably the tren).

I've noticed that when I cum, there is significantly more than when I was on cycle.

Is this normal?

Cheers, Jock
5 weeks post cycle, so you are in post cycle therapy right now yes?

During the cycles initially I will temporarily expell more. I really dont pay it much mind or care though.
No mate, I finished post cycle therapy (pct) after 3 weeks, I ran Nolva like this (after waiting 4.5 days for the Prop to clear)

Day 1: 100mg
Days 2-11: 60mg
Days 12-21: 40mg

Cheers, Jock
MOjs13 said:
well i herd that clomid can increase the amount that u cum but i dk if nolva does the samething.
Ive heard the same, but i attributed my increased load to decreased activity. post cycle therapy (pct) sucks for my libido. I never experienced bigger shots with nolva post cycle therapy (pct).