500 test e plan


I am banned!
So far my plan is 500mg test/week, using the adex at .25mg EOD until PCT, blasting HCG the two weeks prior to PCT, and then 40/40/20/20 Nolva for post cycle therapy (pct). I'm thinking about leaving the clomid out of post cycle therapy (pct) since I've read Nolva has the same, if not better effect. What do you think? I'll really appreciate your input on this, thanks.
So far my plan is 500mg test/week, using the adex at .25mg EOD until PCT, blasting HCG the two weeks prior to PCT, and then 40/40/20/20 Nolva for post cycle therapy (pct). I'm thinking about leaving the clomid out of post cycle therapy (pct) since I've read Nolva has the same, if not better effect. What do you think? I'll really appreciate your input on this, thanks.

That is a good first cycle doseage. How many weeks? You gonna get mixed reviews on Clomid, I have not tried it... my last post cycle therapy (pct) I used Torem @ 60mg ED and .5 Adex EOD for 4 weeks. I also took Cabergoline 2x a week. I do not use HCG, so I can't comment except to say it's prolly a good idea, but I have always bounced back without it.
It's going to be a 10 week cycle. I know some people think that's too short for enanthate (which is what I have), but I think I'll do well.
I focus a lot of my energy on perfecting my training and diet.
I'm going to message you with some questions, so I don't clutter this thread.