500mg test

little more info on me.

5'-9" 196lbs 28 years old

Been working out since I was 15. Never done a real cycle before. Plan on bulking right now. Want to get up to around 215 and keep it if I can.

Running aromasin at 12.5mg ed, got clomid and nolva for PCT. And blasting HCG at end of cycle before I start pct. Since this being
my first cycle was reading that just running the HCG at the end would be fine. I have enough to run the whole time, but opted to save that for next cycle.

Did the first pin last night in my thigh. Went in smooth and did'nt hurt at all.

Worked out legs last night.

squats working sets 4 sets 345x8 (deep)

leg press 3 sets 9 plates each sidex8

did extension and curls as well. hope to see all these lifts shoot up.

Here is my split

Mon = chest and shoulders
teus = legs
wed = back and tris
thurs = off
fri = deads, shrugs, bis

This is a new split I came up with. Just got done with a good 5x5 that I hit a plateau on so switching it up some. Will go back to 5x5 in a couple weeks.
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i got gp test 500mg it looks clear and not that thick at all just wondering if any6one else has the same stuff. almost colorless looks clear ......
mines colorless, but it def has some thickness to it. Second pin was on friday. Went good, but leg is still sore today. Gonna weight next week. Been eating like a mad man.
Ok, so started week 3. weighed myself yesterday and was at 204. thats up 8 lbs since I started. Strength feels good, and overall I feel great.
what dosage and when did you start and when will you stop cause I'm going to be doing the same as you soon cycle wise that's just the only thing I don't know how to dose properly.
So, stuff is really starting to kick in, started week 4 yesterday. Did bench last night. At the end of the workout was fucking around and put on 225 see what I could do fatigued. Got it 24 times. thats was after doing a full chest workout.
So, stuff is really starting to kick in, started week 4 yesterday. Did bench last night. At the end of the workout was fucking around and put on 225 see what I could do fatigued. Got it 24 times. thats was after doing a full chest workout.

Wow got it 24 times after your full chest workout? Very nice!! How does this compare to before you started?
well never really tried to get it at the end of the workout, but Iwould say fresh, prob around 20 reps. So getting 24 pre-exhuasted was pretty amazing. so far. GP Test Ethanate rocks.