5th year lifting 1st cycle


iron pump
Hey guys, im new to the site:
160lbs on creatine
~6-9% bf

been lifting for 5 years since 16, serious lifting for 2 years.
personal max: 325lbs bench, 415 squat, 365 deadlift etc.

Here goes my first cycle:
wk 1-4 50mgs tbol(better version of dbol?)
wk 1-12 600mg/3cc test E(cheaper than test C?)
wk 3-14 HCG: human chorionic gonadotropin
wk 3-18 aromasin: block enzyme/estrogen
wk 15-18 torem (better version of clomid?)

i've done research for a few months now, this is the best plan i can come up with for someone like me whos been seriously training for a few years and now looking to

I'm getting them for 400-450 in california in US. what do you guys think. is that a good domestic price?