5x5 question


New member
For the 5x5 should one do one body part a day or can it be incorporated with other parts?

For ex while doing a Back/Bicep day is is more effective do have 2 regular bicep excercises and then one 5x5 alongwith 2 regular backs +1 back 5x5?.
i would do the heavy 5x5 first. thats what i do when every other week i do deads and biceps on the same day. i start out with deads than i do curls. i get such a crazy pump bye the time i go on to my third excercise. i love it.
Yeah, I go weighted pullups 5x5, with deads as one of my 2x8-10 sets ('cept I do 3 sets just for fun). Friggin killer.
So whats the answer---can 5x5 be done on a combo day (back /biceps) and can it be done 5x5 for a bicep and then 5x5 for the back?
Yes, that's exactly right. I do back/biceps day, for ex: bentover BB rows 5x5, then 8-10 pulldowns/wide and closegrip, DB rows, etc. Then straight bar curls 5x5, then 8-10 DB hammers, preachers, cables curls, whatever.
Same deal on chest/tri day.
Right, It can be done, and I do it. Just do back first so that you biceps aren't prefatigued when you try to work the back.
buffdoc said:
Yes, that's exactly right. I do back/biceps day, for ex: bentover BB rows 5x5, then 8-10 pulldowns/wide and closegrip, DB rows, etc. Then straight bar curls 5x5, then 8-10 DB hammers, preachers, cables curls, whatever.
Same deal on chest/tri day.

thats enuff to grow