6 oxo and growth stunt?

Mr. m1t

New member
ok im pretty sure this is a load of crap but this gym trainer keeps telling me that 6oxo prematuraly seals off peoples growth platlets is this true?

cause im pretty sure 6 oxo isnt a androgen
I would believe that 6-oxo would not close your growth plates off, however 6-oxo does increase the productin of LH and FSH hormones, which are responsible for growth. So 6-oxo might just make you grow taller, however the increase of testosterone and DHT caused by the production of LH and FSH hormones, might cause the onset of puberty like actions within your body. I believe that estorgen is the trigger that closes growth plates.

I would suggest that you do some looking into the effects of LH, FSH, DHT on people your age. Another thing to cross reference is hormonal imbalances and there effects in people your age, which will give you a clue of what is going to happen. Look up hormonal imbalances and focus on subjects with the over production of the previously mentioned hormones.
AzzKiker said:
I would believe that 6-oxo would not close your growth plates off, however 6-oxo does increase the productin of LH and FSH hormones, which are responsible for growth. So 6-oxo might just make you grow taller, however the increase of testosterone and DHT caused by the production of LH and FSH hormones, might cause the onset of puberty like actions within your body. I believe that estorgen is the trigger that closes growth plates.

I would suggest that you do some looking into the effects of LH, FSH, DHT on people your age. Another thing to cross reference is hormonal imbalances and there effects in people your age, which will give you a clue of what is going to happen. Look up hormonal imbalances and focus on subjects with the over production of the previously mentioned hormones.

estrogen is common on female. that's why they have periods to secretes too much estrogen. estrogen is good on a certain amount. it helps reduse ldl(bad cholesterol), which is the reason why only women of menouposal age suffer from stroke and heart attack. it also protects prostate and other parts of our body. but, large amount of estrogen causes bad things not only inside our body but also outside. outside sides include gyno, and other more.

so whenever you feel like the supps you will take will increase your estrogen, take some supps or medicines that is designed to control estrogen in our body