6 week fat shredder cycle/ diet !!!!!!


New member
Hey, I have just placed my order and next week I am going to be starting my cycle. To give you a little bit of information first. Im 24 5'8 170 pounds with 20% body fat. I have been working out for 4-5 years on and off due to school. I havnt been able to work out properly for the last 4 months and now looking to shred some fat before going on holiday.

I have ordered from Bio-med and this is my cycle :

Week 1: 40mg clen , 20 mg winstrol, 20 mg anavar
Week 2 80 mg clen , 20 mg winstrol, 20 mg anavar, 25 mg cytomel and 25 mg proviron

Week 3: 80 mg clen , 30 mg winstrol, 30 mg anavar, 50 mg cytomel
Week 4: 60 mg clen , 30 mg winstrol, 30 mg anavar, 50 mg cytomel and 25 mg proviron
Week 5: 20 mg winstrol, 20 mg anavar, 50 mg cytomel
week 6: 20 mg winstrol, 20 mg anavar, 25 mg cytomel, and 25 mg proviron

The diet will be :
SNACK 7am Apple
30 Minute Running (7:30 -8am)
BREAKFAST (8am) 4 egg white omellete
Oats (50g) + Sikmed milk

SNACK 11am Protein Bar +2 apples

LUNCH 2pm Chicken or turkey sandwish on wholegrain

SNACK 5pm Protein Shake , 2 pieces of citrus fruit
Black coffee
DINNER 8pm Stir-fried chicken (150g) and Broccoli (1 cup)

SNACK 10pm Frozen Yoghurt (200ml) and protein Shake

Could some please give me some advice on the cycle. What I can do to improve it. What am I doing wrong. What results should I expect to see. I have also ordered extra product incase my dose is no sufficient . So please do suggest. Also what I should run after the cycle is over. It was thinking nolvadex as this will be easier for me to take back home or is it even required with this cycle?

About a year ago I ran a 10 week cycle with tren and dbol and masteron but at that time my diet was not good. I have been working to improve my diet and I will be able to stick to the above diet. Please do let me know if I need to change anything in my diet.

What I am aiming for is 15-17% body fat after the 6 weeks and hoping to lean out some muscle.
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This is a train wreck waiting to happen. The best advice is to do more research and visit the diet section and get in touch with 3J. You know nothing about steroids and will hurt yourself more than anything if you can't even train properly.
This is a train wreck waiting to happen. The best advice is to do more research and visit the diet section and get in touch with 3J. You know nothing about steroids and will hurt yourself more than anything if you can't even train properly.

Do you Mind being more specific?
Please help with a 6 week fat shredding cycle / diet !!!!!!

Hey, I have just placed my order and next week I am going to be starting my cycle. To give you a little bit of information first. Im 24 5'8 170 pounds with 20% body fat. I have been working out for 4-5 years on and off due to school. I havnt been able to work out properly for the last 4 months and now looking to shred some fat before going on holiday.

I have ordered from Bio-med and this is my cycle :

Week 1: 40mg clen , 20 mg winstrol, 20 mg anavar
Week 2 80 mg clen , 20 mg winstrol, 20 mg anavar, 25 mg cytomel and 25 mg proviron

Week 3: 80 mg clen , 30 mg winstrol, 30 mg anavar, 50 mg cytomel
Week 4: 60 mg clen , 30 mg winstrol, 30 mg anavar, 50 mg cytomel and 25 mg proviron
Week 5: 20 mg winstrol, 20 mg anavar, 50 mg cytomel
week 6: 20 mg winstrol, 20 mg anavar, 25 mg cytomel, and 25 mg proviron

The diet will be :
SNACK 7am Apple
30 Minute Running (7:30 -8am)
BREAKFAST (8am) 4 egg white omellete
Oats (50g) + Sikmed milk

SNACK 11am Protein Bar +2 apples

LUNCH 2pm Chicken or turkey sandwish on wholegrain

SNACK 5pm Protein Shake , 2 pieces of citrus fruit
Black coffee
DINNER 8pm Stir-fried chicken (150g) and Broccoli (1 cup)

SNACK 10pm Frozen Yoghurt (200ml) and protein Shake

Could some please give me some advice on the cycle. What I can do to improve it. What am I doing wrong. What results should I expect to see. I have also ordered extra product incase my dose is no sufficient . So please do suggest. Also what I should run after the cycle is over. It was thinking nolvadex as this will be easier for me to take back home or is it even required with this cycle?

About a year ago I ran a 10 week cycle with tren and dbol and masteron but at that time my diet was not good. I have been working to improve my diet and I will be able to stick to the above diet. Please do let me know if I need to change anything in my diet.

What I am aiming for is 15-17% body fat after the 6 weeks and hoping to lean out some muscle.
Do you Mind being more specific?

Sure. Your diet can cause you to gain, lose, or maintain weight. Which one it causes is up to the calorie total and macronutrient amounts which is not listed. It's impossible to tell if your diet is suited to your needs since you leave out your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) and the total calories and macros of your diet. As it stands it looks woefully deficient in dietary fats and quite possibly protein as well but again its impossible to tell without listing the macros and total calories along with your TDEE.

As to your cycle it looks like you've mixed and matched every compound that is notorious for weight loss/cutting properties without doing any research towards each or research towards cycles in general. You have a thyroid hormone, a sympathomimetic amine, and a dht derivative. Where's your test base since you will be shutdown? Where's your PCT? These compounds don't magically burn fat and it seems like your reliance on them as fat burners is over estimated. Plus how can you put your order in without getting it finalized first? What if changes need to be made or what if needs other compounds to make it work right? Your dosage of Anavar seems awfully low but I'm no expert in it so someone else can confirm or deny this. Also 4wks on of clen is going to down-regulate your beta-2 receptors unless you take 2wks off in between with possibly an anti-histamine like Benadryl or unless running concurrently with ketotifen. These issues alone are enough to make me see you haven't researched most if not all of these compounds and you're just picking ones that have a reputation as cutting agents.

And to top this all off, you haven't been training consistently for the last 4 months and want a quick fix to cutting body fat. No compound will cut body fat (with the exception of a possible select few) if your diet isn't in place alongside good hard training. You're going to be SEVERLY disappointed in your results but will think you've cut fat when all the water gets drained out of you. My advice like I said before, hold off on the cycle and fix your diet and training first. These will give you immediate and noticeable changes in the short run without the potential for shutdown and sides unlike your cycle plans.
Sure. Your diet can cause you to gain, lose, or maintain weight. Which one it causes is up to the calorie total and macronutrient amounts which is not listed. It's impossible to tell if your diet is suited to your needs since you leave out your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) and the total calories and macros of your diet. As it stands it looks woefully deficient in dietary fats and quite possibly protein as well but again its impossible to tell without listing the macros and total calories along with your TDEE.

As to your cycle it looks like you've mixed and matched every compound that is notorious for weight loss/cutting properties without doing any research towards each or research towards cycles in general. You have a thyroid hormone, a sympathomimetic amine, and a dht derivative. Where's your test base since you will be shutdown? Where's your PCT? These compounds don't magically burn fat and it seems like your reliance on them as fat burners is over estimated. Plus how can you put your order in without getting it finalized first? What if changes need to be made or what if needs other compounds to make it work right? Your dosage of Anavar seems awfully low but I'm no expert in it so someone else can confirm or deny this. Also 4wks on of clen is going to down-regulate your beta-2 receptors unless you take 2wks off in between with possibly an anti-histamine like Benadryl or unless running concurrently with ketotifen. These issues alone are enough to make me see you haven't researched most if not all of these compounds and you're just picking ones that have a reputation as cutting agents.

And to top this all off, you haven't been training consistently for the last 4 months and want a quick fix to cutting body fat. No compound will cut body fat (with the exception of a possible select few) if your diet isn't in place alongside good hard training. You're going to be SEVERLY disappointed in your results but will think you've cut fat when all the water gets drained out of you. My advice like I said before, hold off on the cycle and fix your diet and training first. These will give you immediate and noticeable changes in the short run without the potential for shutdown and sides unlike your cycle plans.

Thank you for the details . What changes would you suggest I made to the cycle. My train and Diet is in place. And I can stick to it as I am completely free for the next 6 weeks.
I have attached the Diet plan.
Why did you ask him to be more specific lol .
Yeah i agree , anyone who uses orals only is doomed for failiure . Most people think if they take oral only roids they will be safe but its the oposite . If you want to do a good cut cycle do the proper way . And your diet should be the main thing . You dont need those orals if you diet hard an train hard for the beach . And when you research a litle bit more about correct use of aas then start with that .
As far as i can tell tou dont do these orals its bad for you . Research a litle bit more .
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Here is my test base.
And proviron will inhibit the conversion to estrogen.

Anavar is far less androgenic and possesses a stronger anabolic strength of at least 3 times the strength of Testosterone, and studies have demonstrated anabolic strength as high as 6 times that of Testosterone with very little accompanying androgenic activity[2]. Anavar does not possess any measurable estrogenic activity (due to its nature of being a DHT derivative), nor does it hold any Progestogenic activity.
My suggestions would be to read the stickies. If a cycle is spoon fed to you, you have no idea what's being changed or why and whether its a good thing or bad. You need to know these things for yourself to be able to treat sides as they show, know what to do and when, know the risks you're taking, etc. your diet sheet just mentions the names of the foods and the calories. Without your TDEE and the macro breakdown this information is useless to me. I have a hard time believing your diet and training is in place since if it were you'd have put these numbers up in the first post bc you'd have known they were crucial in determining the quality of your diet. Ok so your completely free for the next 6wks to train? What's that mean for after those 6wks? Again you want a magic pill to come in a bottle is what I'm reading from your statements. If 170lbs and 20% is accurate you have very little lbm and 34lbs of fat in you. How is your training and diet in place if these are true? Like avdo and I have said, you're not ready for a cycle let alone orals.

Anavar is not a testosterone base. Your natural testosterone production will be shutdown due to either AND both of those orals. What will you do to treat your ED and libido issues should proviron not work since you'll have no testosterone in you? You copied and pasted a steroid profile thinking because it has a higher anabolic rating that its proof its better.

Proviron is not an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and will not up inhibit the aromatization to estrogen. Proviron will lower SHBG which in turn raises free testosterone levels. By more test being free and unbound, you have less bound test that's converted to estro so proviron inadvertently reduces estro with test cycles. This IS NOT the same as an aromatase inhibitor which will actively deactivate the aromatase enzyme and redder them inactive.
Bro I think you could probably accomplish that without any gear. And it's not the cycle I would've picked.

Get your diet together first until it becomes a lifestyle.
Let me start by saying I'm not trying to be a dick. If this comes off rude or harsh I apologize.
There is a lot wrong with your post...

First Oral only cycles are a no no. I'm assuming your doing oral Winstrol (winny) and var. Your 24... Your going to shut down your natty test and be sorry.

Second based on your stats and "working out on and off" your not ready for the sauce. You could achieve great gains at you age without it.

Third Clen and T3 when you don't have a muscle base is going to leave you skinny fat. Just my opinion.

Fourth .. There is a lot of fruit in your diet. Drop it. Morning and post workout fruit is ok. Move your 5 pm protein shake to post workout. Drop the fro yo and replace it with some late night cottage cheese or something.
Oral only cycle is a bad idea on all levels. Second, you really need to get that body fat down naturally. A good keto diet would melt that fat off of you. It is not worth shutting down your natural test production with those oral compounds. Looks in the diet section and like was mentioned, invest in working with 3J. Look at his client pics and see for yourself. You ran a tren, dbol, and mast cycle in the past with no test. Not a smart move man. You really need to research this stuff and understand what you are putting in your body. You only have one body so be smart and don't abuse it. In about 6 weeks of a keto style diet, you would be able to drop a good amount of body fat.
terrible thread.... op ur just fat... if u cut down to 10% bf you're gonna be like 150 pounds.... with skinny boy abs...
Thanks for the advice guys . Im going to hold off on the cycle . keep up with the diet and the exercise in the summer and think think about running the cycle with testosterone base and avoid the pills
diet needs WORK.... glad you realize this. good job skipping cycle.
get dedicated to diet and exercise, get lean then ad some sauce if you choose and test only as u said.

diet: guidlines, get 200g protein/day (split into 6 meals)
50-100g carbs (oats, sweet potato, brown rice etc)
and add in some healthy fats too (avacado, oils, flax, natural pb etc)

meal 1; breakfast: 10 egg whites
meal 2 3 4 meats veg and carb
meal 5, post workout shake
meal 6: casein protein.

good luck bro.

best diet is one u can stay on. but if you go HARD, you'll see results faster and perhaps thats what you may need to keep motivation. everyone is different.
good to hear your going to drop that cycle. orals only will cook that liver. and itll be damn near impossible to figure out what is causng any side effects you mght have and ull lose lot of your gains due to the no test..

good luck man, eat lots and train hard
Ya Over the next four months Im going to main proper diet and exercise to get my body fat down to 10-12 % . Can you suggest a Bulking cycle that I can start Once I obtain that ? I don't drink or smoke. Havn't mad processed or past food for over 6 months now and don't plan to either
IMO weather it's a bulk or cut is dependant on your diet. Personally I'd stick with a 12 week cycle of test-e at 500 mg/week because you haven't ran a test only cycle. If you want to bulk just step your calories up 500 a day for a week and see how it goes. Best to fogure out what is a bulking diet before you start any cycle if that's your goal.

Alone with the test-e I'd also run aromasin for 15 weeks leading into your post cycle therapy (pct) and I'd use a nova/clomid combo for pct. if your diet and training is in check you should hold most of your gains. Gear is a waste of money if u don't have a sold base

Good luck bro