6 weeks out!


New member
At this point things are pretty good! Weight today is 221 lbs and my show will be 5 weeks from this Saturday! Posing needs a bit of practice, being the camera man and subject makes it hard to hit the pose. Interesting how your body changes from one year to the next. The last time I dieted was 3 years ago and back then my glutes and hams would be the first place to tighten up. But this year its seem like just the reverse. Only five weeks to get on stage lets hope it all comes together!
Lol. you even fuzzed out the pics on the table.

Looking good man!
estray said:
Lol. you even fuzzed out the pics on the table.

Looking good man!

and the mirror...hehe

nice work..get that tan going
Diggin' the back...your lats look awesome from the front...what weight ya lookin' to compete at?
I would have to say 209lbs, but no more! I'm not sure if I can get lean enough at a heavier weight so it wouldn't be worth it. Estamated weight at 23 weeks out was 209-215lbs but realy not concerned with the weight more so with the conditioning!

Thanks for the commnets guys! I will definately need the words of encouragement down the last few weeks!
Looking really good. Definitley keep posting pics up to the show.
It's amazing how much your body will change week to week to a show.
Training is pretty much free weights and I stick with mostly compound exercises. I tend to go with 5-6 different exercises 4-5 five sets each and keeping the reps between 6-12! Cardio started off at 30 minutes, but was kicked up to 45 minutes per day around the 12 week mark. I usually ride the bike so i can do cardio at home, but I will also go for walks making sure I'm breathing heavy through the 45 minute walk. I actually find the walking better than biking for some reason my hams and glutes get a better work out by walking!
Diet is as follows:
2 oz of oatmeal 200
8 egg whites 136

7.6 oz of chicken 372.4
14 oz of carrots 140

7.6 oz of chicken 372.4
14 oz of carrots 140

7.6 oz of chicken 372.4
14 oz of carrots 140

7.6 oz of chicken 372.4
14 oz of carrots 140

8.6 oz of chicken 421.4
14 oz of carrots 140

This what I eat exactly from 7 weeks out! With the exception of just protein days which by the way are pure hell, but will get you weight down if your sticking! I don't always eat carrots been eating mostly california mix and green beans! Some say tat their is to much sugar in the carrots, but the amount of protein counters the sugars from the carrots!
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