6th Cycle: Dbol, Test E, Tren E, Deca, PCT Arimidex, Clomid, HCG


New member
So this is my 6th Cycle. Past has included Dbol to Jump Start, Test E, Tren E with Winny to Cut, and Nolva/Clomid/HCG as PCT

This time I'm wanting to Bulk by kickstarting with Dbol, but adding Deca, then using Tren, and Test, all Enanthate, will continue the HCG/Arimidex (this time), and Clomid

5ft8, 190, 11pct body fat, Squat (bad knees from torn ACL), Bench at 310... Fairly experienced user with guidance from pro body builder... Looking for best dosage/cycle from more experts. I know it's a heavy cycle, but it's where im going
So layout the cycle. You have told us nothing but what compounds you are going to use. When and how ? You are using Dbol for bulk, Deca for bulk ? and then Tren for ? Test E we know why do you? and Winstrol what for. You think you are going to build mass and then lean the mas lout with Winstrol.

UP and down in one cycle? how long? Don't understand what your goal is?

This doesn't sound like a good cycle.
I'm not going to be using the winn, it was good for my cutting but messes with my blood pressure, plus wouldn't make sense with the bulking cycle. Last time it was just for the cutting cycle if you look at my pics you can see those off test, tren, n winn but this time I want bulk.

I like dbol due to the kick start I'm thinkin 40 to50 milligrams ED for 30 days of dbol, the deca also gives good ganes without the water bloating, and retains more mass,test is obviously a necessity, and tren is just the king. What I'm looking for is a good schedule on which I should take these compounds. It may not sound good, but I'm looking for the safest way to take it. Any recommendations on a schedule? I'll follow any advice given no matter what the time frame. Recommendations?
Being it's your sixth cycle, if you're not comfortable planning out a cycle with the compounds then maybe you should use compounds your comfortable with. Post up your cycle plan and we can critique it for you. I wouldn't recommend using deca and tren together in your sixth cycle...
Thanks for the advice. My friend just said the same thing he said mixing deca with tren can result in puffy nipples guaranteed. I'm thinkin 40 to 50 milligrams of dbol Ed for the first 30 to 40 days. 500 milligrams of test E for 3 months starting when I begin taking the Dbol so it kicks in when the dbol starts to wear off. Then 300 milligrams of tren E starting one week after I begin the test. These are the compounds familiar with. I'm also thinking about igf, and I always use HCG. Last time I used nolvadex But want to use Arimidex this time. Not sure when I should start using the Arimidex. What are your recommendations on how i should space the cycle. What do you think about using the DECA after the tren with an AI and before the PCT, I've never had a problem with gyno.

Would you recommend this as a 3 month or 5 month cycle? And how would you space it / take it?

Being such a different cycle for my past I want to make sure I do it right. Any advice would be most appreciated.
Well nolvadex and arimidex are two different things that serve different purposes. Nolvadex is a serm and arimidex is an ai. Not to be confused.. an ai manages e2 on cycle. A serm does not do this at all. An ai should be used from beginning of cycle up to pct. Blood work is really the only way to determine if your ai dose is dialed in. Considering your only doing a 12 week cycle, pick either deca or tren. Being you're using long esters, you do not have time for both. You always want to use test longer then any other compound. This is so when starting pct, you don't have elevated compounds in your system. I would suggest reading the ology faq's thread. Even though this is your sixth cycle, you have some loose ends to tie up on the knowledge aspect. Pro bodybuilders and even some bodybuilders in general go after pure gains. They don't necessarily focus on a healthy way of obtaining them. So getting advice from them isn't always the best advice. The ology faq's thread covers tons of useful information that you need to know to do a cycle successfully. Give it a good read...
Well nolvadex and arimidex are two different things that serve different purposes. Nolvadex is a serm and arimidex is an ai. Not to be confused.. an ai manages e2 on cycle. A serm does not do this at all. An ai should be used from beginning of cycle up to pct. Blood work is really the only way to determine if your ai dose is dialed in. Considering your only doing a 12 week cycle, pick either deca or tren. Being you're using long esters, you do not have time for both. You always want to use test longer then any other compound. This is so when starting pct, you don't have elevated compounds in your system. I would suggest reading the ology faq's thread. Even though this is your sixth cycle, you have some loose ends to tie up on the knowledge aspect. Pro bodybuilders and even some bodybuilders in general go after pure gains. They don't necessarily focus on a healthy way of obtaining them. So getting advice from them isn't always the best advice. The ology faq's thread covers tons of useful information that you need to know to do a cycle successfully. Give it a good read...

Now tbonexl's post is just all of what I would say...really. The advice from a pro-BB isn't exactly right on for the general BB.

You need more education such as ology Faq's. You are on your 6th cycle and you don't know much about Estrogen levels. The sides from high and or low E2. There's much more than Gyno to be concerned about. Stated again is you don't have time to use the Deca and the Tren, up n down so to speak.

Again I don't understand the primary goal of such a cycle. Also as stated again LAYOUT this cycle and not in paragraph but in a schedule. At this point in your career you should be able to lay out a cycle even though you are asking us for help.

Not to bash you but if you can't do this simple task and you don't know about AI's and E2 then that supports the need to educate "yourself " much more before this cycle. Then come back with your schedule.

Remember this is all constructive criticism.... Good luck
Thank you for your expertise.

Dbol - Weeks 1 - 5
Test - 500 mg Weeks 1- 13
Tren E - 250-300 mg weeks 2 - 10
HCG - Starting Week 13
Arimidex - Weeks 1 - 12

Thoughts on Using IGF? No experience here

Please feel free to contructively criticize and critique

Clomid and Nolva PCT

What are your thoughts, and should I extend such a heavy stach to 4 or 5 months?

All advice very welcome.

Goals - 225 to 240 LBS, 60mg protein/day

What do you recommend as my calorie intake... I only eat fish and non-fried foods/veggies with an occassional steak.
Ai should be used up to pct. Hcg should be used from beginning of cycle up to pct as well. Staying on tren for long periods of time can be harsh. Your body will tell you when enuff is enuff. 12 weeks of tren will probably be a good average if you can handle the sides. Gaining that amount of weight in a cycle won't be ideal. You either will have a lot of water weight or fat to get up to 240lbs. Try shooting for something more realistic. Remember gaining 5lbs of actual muscle is way different then gaining weight. Muscle is a lot harder to gain. If you can achieve 5lbs in a year, your doing excellent!
Thank you for the advice! ordering from **** DO NOT POST WEBSITE LINKS TO NONSPONSORS******* what's your thoughts on this site?
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