7-8000 calories/day diet


New member
Here's my bulking diet i follow now.
Meal one-4 whole eggs,4 egg whites, 2 cup oatmeal, 1-2 tbsp peanut butter
Meal two-2 Bacon,egg cheese sandwiches(6 whole eggs, 2 slices cheese, 6 slices turkey bacon, 4 slices whole wheat bread), 1.5 cups oatmeal, 1 tbsp flax seed oil.
Meal three-2 cups brown(or white)rice, 1/2 cup black beans, 10-12 oz B/S Chicken breast
Meal four-12-16oz sweet potato, 10-12 oz B/S chicken breast, 1-2 tbsp PB, 1 Banana
Meal five-2 packs Ramen noodles(or 2-3 cups pasta) w/12 oz lean ground beef, 1cup cinnamon apple sauce
Meal six-12-16oz sweet or baked potato, 10 oz B/S Chicken breast(or steak or fish)
Before Bed Snack-Casein Protein shake(25g casein, 1 cup whole milk), 1-2 tbsp PB, 1 cup Greek yogurt.
I also take in my after workout shakes w/50g protein and 70g Waxy maize carb either once or twice/day.
I don't eat much veggies cuz i usually am tired of eating and have no room so i take vitamins to replace them.
This diet comes to around 750-800g Carbs, 500-550g Protein, about 250g fat, 150-175g sugar and 7-8000 calories.
I don't eat like this everyday, sometimes i just go out and get some junk to replace one or two meals but i usually stay pretty close to this and i feel good when i do.
.......... Cut it in half. That's wayyy too much.

Bulk up:
300-500g carbs
200-350g protein
50-150g fat

Even if you got the max grams for each macro that would only come out to 4750.

Hey, if it works for you, it works!
I just realized the OP didn't ask a question. Are we just posting our diets for GP now? :D