8 month cycle, blast and cruise


New member
Bit of a long cycle coming up. Any feed back or thoughts would be appreciated.
Weeks 1-10 test prop 200mg eod
Weeks 1-10 npp 150mg eod
Weeks 7-10 hcg 500iu wk
Weeks 4-5 and 8-9 clen

Weeks 11-17 test e 180mg wk

Weeks 18-30 test e 1g wk
Weeks 18-29 deca 625mg wk
Weeks 18-29 hcg 500iu wk
Weeks 18-29 prami .50mg ed

Weeks 31-35 test e 250mg wk
Weeks 33-36 hcg 500iu eod

Weeks 37-38 nolva 40mg ed
Weeks 39-42 nolva 20mg ed
Weeks 37-38 clomid 100mg ed
Weeks 39-42 clomid 50mg ed
This cycle doesn't make much sense at all. U really think a standard 4 week pct will work for this cycle?
1g of test a week huh you better be a god damn 350 monster thats not needed and prami .50 ed have you used it before lots of sides involved to just jump in on that dose daily? These are only a few things i noticed but please inform me on your age and height and weight im curious
Its starting to become a common theme where younger guys think more is better with the gear which couldnt be furthur from the truth
Its starting to become a common theme where younger guys think more is better with the gear which couldnt be furthur from the truth

Gaeredup is right, too many people are thinking that the more you intake the more you gain. If you have a proper diet, and good gear you can see amazing results with half of the dosages.
This makes no sense whatsoever. This is a terrible plan for a cycle. You really need to stick around and keep reading to learn how these compounds work.
I agree with after talking to several guys about this and reading your comments that I'll stick to reg cycles. I'm going to post a lot more reasonable one soon. Thanks for the criticism