8 weeks dbol, 12 weeks test e ...... is this too much dbol?


New member
Hey guys , im new to here but on my 4th cycle. I started my first cycle with only test e for 8 weeks.... then went to 12 week cycle's with test e and dbol for the first 4 weeks.....Im about to start in 2 weeks this higher dosage of dbol and wanting to know if there is any negitives to this extra dbol cycle . Should I run 4 weeks of just dbol to bring up gains then go to test e and dbol for the next 4 weeks then 4 more weeks of just test e and of course followed by Nolva . Im getting min 4000cal a day and training 5 days a week. Im 31 and 195 pounds . Any input on this dbol dose would be fantastic !!

Thanks everyone
thats what I have been reading but I guess im wondering if any bad could come of it and if its ok to run straight dbol for a 4 week period the going to test e and dbol for the next 4 weeks then finishing with 4 more weeks of test e
I don't think you'll get much support running dbol for 4 weeks without test. 8 weeks on dbol is kinda lengthy. Using dbol as a kicker in the beginning of a cycle is tried and true. U also gotta keep in mind that all this dbol might get u bigger, but at what cost? There is negative sides and toxicity to the liver to think about. I don't use orals anymore. I'll run a fat dose of test a week, but I see less sides with that then combining a bunch of other shit together.