80 mg/ dbol and first cycle

Bro..If you just had a kid....Leave this stuff alone.Your family is more important than Big muscles that you are going to loose anyway after your cycle.
My advice
Eat clean and healthy,sleep enough,train hard,use some protein supps and.......hey!! enjoy your little one!!

Errr... With proper pct and proper cycling methods it's possible to keep a sufficient punt of your gains. I know from experience. But u will lose some no matter what.
LOL'z at your source gettin' rages while on 80mg dbol ed.

Like stated above get the adex and start using it. Get your Nolva and Clomid so you can run a proper post cycle therapy (pct).

Good luck with the cycle.
LOL'z at your source gettin' rages while on 80mg dbol ed.

Like stated above get the adex and start using it. Get your Nolva and Clomid so you can run a proper PCT.

Good luck with the cycle.

Ok. Thanks. So I will be running the adex .25 mg EOD while on cycle. At which point should I discontinue use? How many days after last pin?

Ok. Thanks. So I will be running the adex .25 mg EOD while on cycle. At which point should I discontinue use? How many days after last pin?


Start at .25mg eod and if u still get gyno bump it to .50mg eod. U can stop adex a few days after last pin or a week after last pin is what I usually do.
Start at .25mg eod and if u still get gyno bump it to .50mg eod. U can stop adex a few days after last pin or a week after last pin is what I usually do.

why would you go .50 eod.... your estrogen wouild be spiking over and over, why not .25 ed..... seems like alot better and more controlled, .5eod your bp and estrogen wont be steady
I usually just do .25mg eod and it works well for me. So on this premise, if your still experiencing gyno then bumping it up to .5mg eod would seem logical. But .25 Ed seems logical as well so whatever works for u
80mg's a dbol is way to much to take for a first timerand not to mention its in one dose. first cycle should be test only anyway. and yes like the others said add clomid 50mg ed for 4 weeks along with your nolva at 20mg for 4 weeks

80mg is reasonably high, its quite strange that its one hit, I'm only taking 20mg 2x ED, and I have a semi-hard time dealing with it, the beauty of spreading it out during the day is that you don't have to have a general consistency with it, I just take the first dose whenever, mid-morning/afternoon, then my second 1-2h pre-workout. You can get some pretty fiendish headaches at 80mg, since the half life is only like 4h it seems pretty wasteful to just overload your blood for such a short period of time, if your were going to, split the powder in half, take half 1-2h preworkout, then the other half 1-2h post workout, at least that way your getting a nice strength increase while at the same time evening out your doses.