9-5 Plans


New member
I'm sure a lot of you are like me and are in an office for the majority of the day.

What is your nutrition schedule like?
What snacks do you have during the workday?
What meals do you have before heading to the gym after leaving work?

I was just wondering how you get everything you need. (Could be for bulking, cutting, etc...)
Tuna Sandwich (Whole Wheat Bread)
Protein Bars/Protein Shakes
Beef Jerky/Turkey Jerky
Pasta (if ya dont mind it cold or reheat it)

Oats added in shakes possibly

Theres just a few things i eat when i sit in an office all day sometimes
low sodium almonds
beef jerky
protein bars

those are just some of the usual...hard to eat a lot when in the office....especially when you're supposed to be busy!
On Monday before I head in to work I stop by the store and pick up a box of Pure Protein bars, apples and bananas. That pretty much takes care of any snacking and means no trips to the vending machine. My biggest issue during the day is drinking my water. I get about 1.5 gal a day but that usually means I'm up and heading to the bathroom about 3-4 times more than the other people.
i make 4 meals the night before and pack them in a cooler. i eat one when i get to work, then one every 3 hours. i eat my last meal at work at 3pm, get to the gym by 430pm and have my only shake of the day at about 6pm. last meal around 830pm.
That pretty much takes care of any snacking and means no trips to the vending machine. My biggest issue during the day is drinking my water. This is really very important.

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