A bit out of place but need some help for my son

All of his levels are fine however he does have a small tumor on his pituitary. No one will even consider touching it because they said if all his other levels were normal that couldn't be the cause. Trust me I've explored all angles and researched for months this is were we are at and if I want my son to feel better I truly believe this is the only way believe me I don't want him to have to give life long injections and ill keep looking for answers. Any mood swing issues I should be concerned about?

Given all the background information I think your initial feeling to do injections is correct. You are a really good mother to go that far to help your son(putting healthy food in the house, having him start MMA class etc).

He has consistently tested lower than most 80 year old men on his Testosterone + not having hair & all the other symptoms his levels point to a legitimate medical need. Also, you don't have to inject 2x per week. You could do 1x a week at 75-150 mg. I do not think gels, supplements, or some sort or some sort of naturopathic are the way to go. There is a type of testosterone(deconoate or undecanoate) where it could be as little as twice per month. Mood swings are possible, but more likely with low levels, than medium to high levels. If you went too long without taking it, you may have mood swings, but consistently taking the med usually prevents this.

If you can consistently above 600 ng/dl on his Total Testosterone, there is a very good chance he will feel better. If he does, just continue what your doing with the nutrition & having him stay active. I think another factor is that it may give him an opportunity to build self confidence/self-esteem, when his body is healthy. That is extremely important at that age & I feel worth injections.

His levels are already very low, so if it doesn't work you can retain the option for him to go off. I just strongly feel, based on your initial post, you should give it a shot. I would also make sure that you initially do 1x per week dosing, because many endocrinologists use every 2-4 weeks, which can cause large fluctuations in levels, unless it's a long acting testosterone.

As far as personal experience, shots are much cheaper & less frequently need to be refilled than gels. The cost(I don't remember whether it's covered) at the pharmacy for me has ranged between $50-115 per bottle(it seems to change every year), which has 2000mgs total at 200mgs/ml concentration. This lasts me about 3-4 months. It would last your son 20 weeks. It's called Depo-Testosterone & it's made by Watson. The type of is called Tesosterone Cypionate. It's very easy & I usually barely feel the injection.

People have hypothyroid problems get put on T4 or T3 & it's normal. People with diabetes take insulin shots & it's normal. I would actually feel optimistic, since it seems like you've found the source of his health issues & you do have options. You are doing more than a lot of families do & hopefully your son, will be able to look back & appreciate everything you've done in the future.

Good luck
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