a few of Ronnie before he was knocked up

I know it's not fair to compare competition pics with off-season ones, but what the hell. Here's what the search for mass, complete with GH, IGF-1, and insulin, has done to Ronnie:
wow, so seriously, you guys think that it was gh, igf-1 and slin that did this and not just huge calories?
At 4% BF, Ronnie's stomach still sticks out almost level with his chest. If it were just from calories, the stomach wouldn't be so large even at miniscule percentages of body fat.
Dude looked sooo much beter before, when where those pics taken?
pic#2 is at my gym, next to one of Arnold, still think that Arnold is waay better than he´ll ever get/been.
WOW big difference only if he could maintain his current size with that waist from the hey day he would be unstoppable for 5 more Mr. Os maybe.
Lets get some thing straight. Look at his face and his head in the before pictures, he looks normal. Now due to all the growth hormone his head grew and his jaw and shit looks all un human. I do not like ronnie the way he is now, he looks unhealthy and freaky. I thaught bodybuilding was about building a aesthetic proportionate physique.
One thingyou can say though....He had it from the start. He was destined to be the best the minute he touched anything anabolic. Man, that guy has the best genetics ever.

Ronnie is DA' MAN!!! I don't give two shits about a large abdomen if it flows with the rest of an incredibly and awe-inspiring structure of muscles. I've met Ronnie and his presence alone dictates what bodybuilding is truly about!!! I love Arnold but in comparison Arnold looks like Gary Coleman!!! Ronnie is the IDEAL!!!!!!!
He is what bodybuilding made him become. He had to get that big to win. Let's not blame ronnie for the beginning of the trend. Let's blame Dorain and Nasser, maybe even lee Haney.