A few questions regarding the relationship between young people and steroids!


New member
Before I begin, I'd like to say greetings to everyone who's a member of the forum! I created this account with the sole purpose of having the questioned answered, although depending on the answer, it's possible I could stick around(providing my age isn't of issue, I haven't looked at the forum rules but I assume its policy to be +18).

My question is, are there any steroids that are safe for young people? I'm a few months short of 18, although I'm sure some would advise that even 18 is too young.

Let me go into the question further, as to avoid any backlash telling me to simply not be so stupid and nieve.

Iv seen numerous questions similar to my own, with the majority of responses being to simply wait as it will cause a host of problems in those that are not fully developed. I understand this to a certain extent (ie testosterone supplementation will likely ruin natural testosterone production for a prolonged period of time, if not a life-time) but looking at the vast amount of supplements available on the market, I find it hard to believe that every single one of them will ruin hormone production/growth.

So to be more specific, are there any muscle gaining substances that are safe for use by someone slightly younger than, or only just, 18 years old? Answers don't need to be experience, as I'm sure those who are more knowledgable on the substances will be able to provide insight on what the effects of each specific one are, as well as what areas of the body/teen development they will effect.

DISCLAIMER - I understand that obviously there is always risk involved, I'm asking more specifically about supplements are that safe for teen use(if any)...not those that carry risks regardless of age, as if they carry small risks that are applicable to everyone then it could prove to be a risk worth taking.

Again, I apologise if me posting if against forum rules, however this seemed like the forum that best fitted my question.

Thanks to everyone in advance, I really appreciate whatever answers you all have. Also fingers crossed I don't experience a barrage of hate in relation to my age and steroid use, as so many youngsters before me have!
I had a read, however I noticed the statement "At 'Ology we generally recommend that males wait until they are 25 years old". I understand that it's certainly not reccomended due to the vast about of supplements that are able to damage those who are not yet fully developed, but surely yourself/others on this forum have the knowledge of supplements to such a degree that they can separate the safe from the development destroying? (Again, if there are any)

Thanks for the fast response though, any input it appreciated as I said!
Before I begin, I'd like to say greetings to everyone who's a member of the forum! I created this account with the sole purpose of having the questioned answered, although depending on the answer, it's possible I could stick around(providing my age isn't of issue, I haven't looked at the forum rules but I assume its policy to be +18).

My question is, are there any steroids that are safe for young people? I'm a few months short of 18, although I'm sure some would advise that even 18 is too young.

Let me go into the question further, as to avoid any backlash telling me to simply not be so stupid and nieve.

Iv seen numerous questions similar to my own, with the majority of responses being to simply wait as it will cause a host of problems in those that are not fully developed. I understand this to a certain extent (ie testosterone supplementation will likely ruin natural testosterone production for a prolonged period of time, if not a life-time) but looking at the vast amount of supplements available on the market, I find it hard to believe that every single one of them will ruin hormone production/growth.

So to be more specific, are there any muscle gaining substances that are safe for use by someone slightly younger than, or only just, 18 years old? Answers don't need to be experience, as I'm sure those who are more knowledgable on the substances will be able to provide insight on what the effects of each specific one are, as well as what areas of the body/teen development they will effect.

DISCLAIMER - I understand that obviously there is always risk involved, I'm asking more specifically about supplements are that safe for teen use(if any)...not those that carry risks regardless of age, as if they carry small risks that are applicable to everyone then it could prove to be a risk worth taking.

Again, I apologise if me posting if against forum rules, however this seemed like the forum that best fitted my question.

Thanks to everyone in advance, I really appreciate whatever answers you all have. Also fingers crossed I don't experience a barrage of hate in relation to my age and steroid use, as so many youngsters before me have!

I'll leave it to others to tell you about meds, that help with muscle mass, etc.

Lets assume you want to look more muscular for the chicks. Don't we all?? :-) Training, diet and consistency over the next few years will make you look way better than your buds even without steroids. The training and diet alone will make huge differences in your body and make you stand out. It takes time to build muscle with or without steroids. So start now and learn to train properly. and how to eat properly. Don't wait until your body has matured enough to take steroids, and then train. Train hard until you are older and then decide about injecting yourself with stuff that can cause you some serious side effects.

Think of it this way. You could start on steroids which almost definitely will cause you problems at your age. These steroids are not magic. You still need years of smart training and a great diet. Start training now and if you stick with it, then you might consider testosterone, etc once you are old enough not to cause your body harm. Many people put the horse before the carriage. They start steroids before they built up a base of muscle from training. Most people do not continue to train, or you would see more men in shape out there. Most give up, but they have already caused themselves problems.

If you are a guy who will train for many years to come and not give up, then do it right. Build your muscle and knowledge first. Don't screw up your health just because today you decided to change your lifestyle and devote your life to training. Do you see what I'm trying to say. Even though I'm doing a shitty job explaining my self./ :-)
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Well, due to the nature of my question(asking if anyone knew specific substances that would likely have no development side-effects, not a general opinion as obviously every supplement has a hugely different effect on the body than the next) I'd say there's a lot more to say. I did also include that I was aware that the general advice is to wait, I'm simply curious as to whether or not there is anything available that would be, to someone with considerable knowledge, safe for people around 18.

And in what way do I sound fishy if you don't mind me asking? Iv been as up front as possible, even going to the extent as to proclaim that I'm >18.
Thank you for such a well articulated and considerate response!

I actually have been training for the past couple years, although have mostly focused on strength as opposed to mass increase( that's not to say I haven't experienced a gain in mass, but it is somewhat negligible compared to strength).

I'v not actually decided to use steroids as of yet, and I'm more than inclined to wait the few years you reccomend if it becomes apparent that there aren't any viable supplements for people my age.

And you somewhat hit the nail on the head with the chicks bit! Well, to a certain extent. It's more that iv come to the realisation that without the boost, it's unlikely il be able to achieve the much desirable summer body that everyone aspires to have within the next month or two! Also note that this is in comparison to the people il likely see often in the summer, who undoubtably have been working a fair amount harder in the gym than I have:p

And you actually did a great job explaining! Thanks for the response, and if it so happens that nobody can give me a safe supplement, il happily take the advice to wait a few years.
Actually it's <18, but no big deal. You are very very young to be deciding about screwing up your body.

seriously its 70% what you eat and say 20% how you train. I think you are expecting too much from Steriods. They are not magic. Oh How I wish they were, lol.

Train and eat properly. And over time you will stand out. I promise. (There are so many overweight guys out there. If you just control your belly, you will stand out.)
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Ah, that truly was my bad! I understand that, which is why I'm asking on a forum I see to have a lot of very clued-up members.

I have no inclination to take anything that could pose development problems, I'd just like to see if there are any relatively safe performance boosters at this age.

I know they aren't magic, although I agree what a virtue that would be! But surely they give a significant enough boost for them to be worth some degree of risk. The statistics iv researched seem to point to a massive difference between natural and supplemented, although I'm not sure of the studies validity.

Also the percentiles you have given are interesting, I haven't really looked at it in that perspective before but I agree that for the muscles to be built there definitely would have to be a fuel surplus. Would the addition of supplements have any affect on that? Ie if on a cycle, would the training have a greater percentile due to the supplements making training more of a priority?
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Ah, that truly was my bad! I understand that, which is why I'm asking on a forum I see to have a lot of very clued-up members.

I have no inclination to take anything that could pose development problems, I'd just like to see if there are any relatively safe performance boosters at this age.

I know they aren't magic, although I agree what a virtue that would be! But surely they give a significant enough boost for them to be worth some degree of risk. The statistics iv researched seem to point to a massive difference between natural and supplemented, although I'm not sure of the studies validity.

Also the percentiles you have given are interesting, I haven't really looked at it in that perspective before but I agree that for the muscles to be built there definitely would have to be a fuel surplus. Would the addition of supplements have any affect on that? Ie if on a cycle, would the training have a greater percentile due to the supplements making training more of a priority?

Let me say that you will get roughly 90% of the change you want without steroids. Until you get all you can get out of natural training, you won't know if the steroids are making a difference. No one would know how much muscle (on an untrained person) is from training and how much from steroids. You don't yet know how much your body will grow from training. And it will take a few years to really know how big you can get naturally. Only then will you know what Steriods will do and even if you really 'need' them. Lets face it. Lots of people are in great shape with out steroids!! :-) And these days chicks are attracted to guys who are thin and not overly muscular. (Watch me get in shit for that opinion. lol)

So for 17 year old chicks, get in shape naturally, gain more confidence and go get them. Don't be afraid to get shot down. It's a numbers game.

Oh Fvck, I wish I was 18 again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry bud, but the only supplement that's not a risk for you is creatine. Anything that interferes with hormones can cause permanent damage, which isn't worth the risk given the AWESOME potential you have RIGHT NOW.

I'm not blowing smoke up your butt when I say that my biggest growth came as a teen. That includes some very heavily dosed cycles of AAS in my 30's and now 40's.

Proper food choices and hard work will carry you VERY far at this point in life, just learn EVERYTHING you can about training and nutrition - you'll not regret it. ;)

My .02c :)
There s nothing rx, and anabolic that will not have consequences for u at this point. Food is the most anabolic thing there is...indulge and train and rest and ejac often.