A good starting Npp dose for strength.


New member
I'm a noob to npp but looking for strength not worried about sex drive I actually want it to go down and I'm also using it to avoid injury as I just pulled a muscle in my leg. so is 100mg eod good? I'm running test tren mast and halo with it.
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I'm a noob to npp but looking for strength not worried about sex drive I actually want it to go down and I'm also using it to avoid injury as I just pulled a muscle in my leg. so is 100mg eod good? I'm running test tren mast and halo with it.

That's about 350mg/week, so not enough. Aim for 500-600. Also, it won't help your pulled leg muscle.
I am hoping the npp will lower my sex drive guys I'm sick of being horny all the time it's interfering with my life. My tren and masteron are almost gone but I'm sure they will keep me hard all day.
out of 7 days it's still 400mg a week and yes eod I'm hoping it kills my sex drive so I can focus on other things in life for once. I may have to drop the masteron and tren huh? well like I said I'm gonna gut it out as they are almost gone then I'll just be running higher npp than test that should do the trick.