a NEW creatine question


New member
Which creatine do you guys prefer for better gains? The kind you take before your workout, or after?

Ive been taking the kind you take BEFORE, i swear it helps me lift like 10-20% more weight than i could without it....I ran out one day, and went to the gym and had the worst workout ever.

However, most people ( i think ) and most research uses the kind you take AFTER workiing out.

Anybody used both and have an opinion?
Yes, all creatines do work the same.

Pre workout is thge best time, since uptake is highest while your muscles are getting worked.
As they said, all creatines are the same (almost) anyways... there isnt any that u specifically use before or after workout, sure creatine is good shit but it wont make u heeman ;)
Take 5grams before workout and 5grams after workout with youre protein and dextro and it will do as much as it can for u :)
Alright, thanks guys. I tihnk im going to try the 5grams before, 5grams after thing.

Now the only question is, what kind does everyone suggest?