A question for the scientist out there regarding steroid testing...


New member
I know there are a few test kits out there that test steroids, to see if they contain what they say they do..... are these test valuable/accurate?

I know you have to pay a whole lot of $$$ to test purity...

From a science perspective.... what would it take to make an affordable steroid test kit that also checked for purity?
lower quality testing produits? (had to spell the last word in French so it can be seen.)
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Depends on what you mean by 'purity '

I'm not hands-on familiar with the colorimetric kits, but any colorimetric kit can be subjective depending on the color change. Exa: clear to blue is easy to read. Blue to purple not so much. Then to add, many of these compounds are very similar is structure. Not easy.

The high end tests, like GCMS or LCMS, have the ability to first separate and then identify individual compounds. Very expensive equipment.

As for the purity... that's a completely different animal. For example, if you want to know about heavy metals in your tren? ... that's yet another, different, expensive piece of equipment!