A quick and maybe dumb question.


Hybrid Athlete
Ok, Say I respond to test very well, and I also respond to deca very well, and say I will magically never get any side effects from either one.

If I were to run a cycle with only one of these AS, which one would be better to use by itself?
Ok, Deca then :D
But I highly doubt sideeffects wont exist on a Deca only cycle.
You never know though, you might be one of the few lucky ones.
Good luck.
Test bro.....Deca shuts you down..thats why you mix it w/ test....so if you have to choose one then go w/ Test...........Deca on it's own might leave you w/ a limp dick....
G_M...........I know your question is one or the other.....but I gotta ask. why you wouldn't just run both together ??
Assuming there would be no sides, then Deca cause it would pack more mass mg per mg than Test. At least that's my personal experience.

Now considering the sides of both I'd say test alone or run test/deca.
StoneColdNTO said:
G_M...........I know your question is one or the other.....but I gotta ask. why you wouldn't just run both together ??

I just dont like to inject so much oil in me, it just doesnt feel right. If I could inject 500mg of test and 300mg of deca in 2cc`s total, I would do it. Thats why I am considering a test/dbol cycle for my next.
Manny78 said:
Deca cause it would pack more mass mg per mg than Test. At least that's my personal experience.

I have never heard that--in fact I've only heard the opposite!

Anyone else want to chime in if mg for mg Deca or Test puts on more mass?
DTOX said:
I have never heard that--in fact I've only heard the opposite!

Anyone else want to chime in if mg for mg Deca or Test puts on more mass?

Deca is usually a favorite among HIV and other muscle wasting disease. Two persons using for example 400mg of test/Deca with both a good diet, chances are, the guy on Deca will end up with probably 2-3 lbs more.
Manny78 said:
Deca is usually a favorite among HIV and other muscle wasting disease. Two persons using for example 400mg of test/Deca with both a good diet, chances are, the guy on Deca will end up with probably 2-3 lbs more.
I gotta say that goes against everything ive seen, experineced and read