A tip of the veil is lifted - weight management

Miss Perfection

Pumpin' up
Hi Girls,

No matter wat type of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) I take, low or high dose, oral or injection, I always get the *blasted* weight gain (not just water either - usually fat!!).

However I wouldn't be true to my name, if I wouldn't continue searching for a solution.

After reading zillions of articles, I finally seem to have found a substance that does the trick.

If I do a low cycle of ASS and combine it with a low carb diet + 10 mgs of Strattera daily, I only gain 1 or 2 pounds during (as oppossed to 10 pounds normally). Strattera also supresses appetite, so that's a nice plus. Strattera is a norepinephrine re-uptake inhibitor and is prescribed to people with ADHD. The normal dose is 40 mgs/daily but I only use a quarter.

The downside is, Strattera makes me more tearfull and I get a feeling of nervousness bordering on anxiety... This is the difficult part. However, for a short cycle it might be worth bearing.

I'm not encouraging anyone to go down my path. But it does make me wonder, have neurotransmitters been the forgotten substance in regard to ASS-related body fat? And is it worth exploring this field * treading very carefully here * any further?

Hope someone can shed some more light on this + hopefully this information is of use to someone.

Take care,