AAS & Dangerous Red Blood Cell Count


New member
From A meso article:

Q1: Mr. Rea: In your description of equipoise (In the book Chemical Muscle Enhancement) you said that long-term use of this Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) for a lengthy protocol gave you an "unfavorable CBC result." What kind of result is this and how long is too long to remain on EQ.

A1: I neither endorse nor condemn the use of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) (Anabolic Androgenic Steroid) and related chemistries though I have dedicated many years to understanding their unique mechanisms. However, I do have a real problem with issues of health sabotaging protocols destructive simply by design without forethought. Maximum progress can be obtained without tempting death.

A simple CBC (Complete Blood Count) can help anyone avoid health problems of many origins…not only from Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) use.

In the case of boldenone (Equipoise), the length of administration resulting in excessive and dangerous red blood cell count was dose dependent. Most have shown only acceptable upregulation at dosages of 200-400mg/w (@ 1-2mg per pound of bodyweight) for up to 12 weeks. However, dosages of 600-800mg/w (3-4mg per pound of body weight) usually resulted in exceeding the upper "safer" levels for red blood cell count after only 4-6 weeks of employment. This is a real concern. Red blood cell count elevation can result in blood clots, strokes and circulatory depreciation.

Many precontest athletes using longer Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) protocols have avoided this concern by using:

Lower dosages.
A 50/25/25 division between boldenone/nandrolone/Masteron (nandrolone draws water and Masterone mediates it).
Using the higher dosage range only the last 4 weeks precontest.


" The average life cycle of a red blood cell is 120 days. "

How many of you guys who run long clyces (20 wks +), actually worry about this.? They make it sound like this is a stroke just waiting to happen. And do you think waiting 60 days between cycles is really enough to allow the red blood cell count to go down?
tyhigs said:

How many of you guys who run long clyces (20 wks +), actually worry about this.? They make it sound like this is a stroke just waiting to happen. And do you think waiting 60 days between cycles is really enough to allow the red blood cell count to go down?

I wonder if there is an additive (or even a synergistic) effect of stacking EQ with anadrol. That combo should really bump up your RBC count.
Apparently one of the bigger risk is the thickening of the blood. I believe that is the hemocrit reading. In his book he indicates that drinking wine in moderation could possibly help with this. He also mentions asprin. Although there is the thought that asprin may hinder gains. (But so do strokes)

My CBC elevated on just 400 mg test cyp and 400 mg eq per week. Mine are just over the "normal" range. That was almost 3 weeks after ending a cycle (10 weeks)

Personally I am taking one 81 mg asprin a day and will have my cbc done again to check the levels. I am also going to look at a CBC taking before I ever did a cycle to see what it looked like.

Any thoughts on other measures to lower the red blood cell count and specifically the hemocrit?
Anadrol, EQ, Injectable b-12 are all linked to increases in RBC. I wounder how dangerous it would be to run these together?
Hey there, new to the board I came to check it out after hulk and big fed got banned. In my opnion, since I work in medicine(specically cardiac and vascular) Ive never heard of elevated rbc being a great deal of concern for strokes. I could be wrong, but Ive never been called in for a stroke pt that someone said "Oh! its his RBC, its too high". The problem that people face most often is blood pressure concerns, now if the rbc count is the underlying cause for that, maybe, Ive pondered that before, it doesnt matter. You still treat the high bp. As for blood thickening certain competitive athletes use Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) for that very reason, it kinda replaced blood doping in the past. They also take epo for that. If you are concerned, then you are right on the money with the aspirin. This will hlp keep your blood cells "slippery". Every person that walks in the ER with chest pain gets an aspirin. There are two main types of stroke, one that is caused by emboli (clot, etc...) that shoots up the brain clogging blood flow. The other is when a vessel burst preventing blood flow to the brain Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) users are far more likely to suffer from the latter, so, take care of the bp and take an aspirin for the former and dont shoot in the calf region.
I wonder if Swale or BuffDoc want to share anything on this...

I'm on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), and one of the few things I'll be keeping an eye on is my Hematocrit level as everything I've read says it's the #1 thing to watch out for...
maybe i should take u off my ignore list so i dont have to click on that link to see what you said, now that you took of that naked man in your avatar. ha

I asked swale (i belive it was him) a similar question on t-mag's forum, but the question was assumed to be based on cycles of 8-10 wks per yr. so I guess the answer wouldnt apply.
massive g said:
Donate blood twice a month that's what I do.

I have always wondered what would happen if they give the blood you donated while on a heavy cycle to a woman who is very sensitive to androgen related sides. I guess it probably wouldn't really have any effect at all since the total volume is too low, but who knows.
Wouldn't want to hurt someone when you're actually donating blood for a good cause.
Don't they check the blood for AS, antibiotics etc.??
I doubt they cehck for AS. Probably just for the deadly diseases like Hepatits A,B,C, STD's, HIV. I actually had the same question over at bolex but no one has responded to it. There is always this prodedure called "pheblotomy" (sp?) in which they drain your blood for you without donating it at special clinics. I wonder how much it costs
anyway, how much Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) can be in 1 liter of blood? i think it would take a wk or so for the androgen related problems to show up in women.
tyhigs said:
I doubt they cehck for AS. Probably just for the deadly diseases like Hepatits A,B,C, STD's, HIV. I actually had the same question over at bolex but no one has responded to it. There is always this prodedure called "pheblotomy" (sp?) in which they drain your blood for you without donating it at special clinics. I wonder how much it costs

Just go with the leeches boys!! Bloodletting.com LOL:chainsaw:
No they don't test for Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) but they ask f you have taken any drugs etc...don't tell them if you do they will not allow you to give blood and you will be blacklisted in the computer.
They won't let you donate but once every 5 some days so you have to go to 2 different ones ...
As for asparin, even 1/8th of an asparin is enough usually for heart patients that use it to keep the blood flowing freely. It doesn't take much.
a guy on some other thread said that aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatories cmopletely block protein synthesis.