AAS breakdown; Profile of Equipoise


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Euro-Pharmacies Equipoise (boldenone undecylenate)

Product info:

Supplier:Euro-Pharmacies Chemical Name: Boldenone Undecylenate
Comes In: 10ml vial - 250mg/ml
Dosage: 400-600mg/week
Active time: 14-16 days
Class:Anabolic/Androgenic Steroid

Equipoise is a steroid compound that can give users slow but steady gains during a cycle.It is also relatively safe with very few reports of the side effects caused by testosterone conversion into estrogen. For bodybuilders, it should be used with some testosterone as Equipoise can cause sexual dysfunction. Equipoise’s long-lasting ester means it should be used for a minimum 12-week cycle.

Equipoise® is the popular brand name for the veterinary injectable steroid boldenone undecylenate. It is a derivative of testosterone, which exhibits strong anabolic and moderately androgenic properties. The undecylenate ester greatly extends the activity of the drug (the undecylenate ester is only one carbon atom longer than decanoate), so that clinically injections would need to be repeated every three or four weeks. In the veterinary feild Equipoise is most commonly used on horses, exhibiting a pronounced effect on lean bodyweight, appetite and general disposition of the animal. As with all steroids, this compound shows a marked ability for increasing red blood cell production. In recent years this compound has become a favorite among athletes. Many consider it an ideal replacement to Deca-Durabolin.
The side effects of Equipoise are generally mild. The structure of boldenone does allow it to convert into estrogen, but it does not have an extremely high affinity to do so. If we look at aromatization studies, they suggest that its rate of estrogen conversion should be about half that of testosterone’s. Water retention with this drug would therefore be slightly higher than that with Deca-Durabolin (with an estimated 20% conversion), but much less than we would find with a stronger compound as Testosterone. While there is still a chance of encountering an estrogen related side effect as such when using Equipoise, problems are usually not encountered at a moderate dosage level. Gynecomastia might become a problem, but usually only with very sensitive individuals or (again) with those using higher dosages. If estrogenic effects become a problem, the addition of Nolvadex should of course make the cycle more tolerable. An anti-aromatase such as Arimidex, Femara, or Amonasin would be a stronger option, however probably not necessary with such a mild drug.

Although typically dosage related, Equipoise can also produce distinct androgenic side effects. Oily skin, acne, increased aggression and hair loss are all possible with this compound. Women find this drug quite comfortable, virilization symptoms usually unheard of when taken at low doses. Boldenone does reduce to a more potent androgen (dihydroboldenone) via the 5alpha reductase enzyme (which produces DHT from testosterone), however its affinity for this interaction in the human body is low to nonexistent. Therefore the reductase inhibitor Proscar would not be of much use with Equipoise, as it would be blocking what is at best an insignificant path of metabolism for the steroid. Although this drug is relatively mild, it still has a depressive effect on endogenous testosterone levels, therefore a proper post cycle therapy HCG and Clomid/Nolvadex is needed at the conclusion of each cycle to avoid a “crash”. A waiting time of around 3 weeks is required before starting PCT, enabling enough of the drug to clear one’s system to make PCT effective.

In order to maintain stable blood levels, Equipoise should be injected at least once per week. It is most commonly used at a dosage of 400-600mg per week for men, 50-150 mg per week for women.

Equipoise is not a rapid mass builder, but will provide a slow but steady gain of strength and quality muscle mass. The most positive effects of this drug are seen when it is used for longer cycles, usually lasting at least 10 weeks in length. The muscle gained should not be the smooth bulk seen with androgens, but instead a very defined and solid look. Since water bloat is not contributing greatly to the diameter of the muscle, much of the size gained on a cycle of Equipoise can be retained after the drug has been discontinued. It is interesting to note that structurally Equipoise and the classic bulking drug Dianabol are almost identical. In the case of Equipoise the compound uses a l7beta ester (undecylenate), while Dianabol is 17 alpha alkylated. Aside from that difference, the drugs are basically the same. Of course they act quite differently in the body, which goes to show the 17-methylation effects more than just the oral efficancy of a steroid.

As discussed earlier, Equipoise is a very versatile compound. We can create a number of drug combinations with it depending on the desired result. For mass, one may want to stack it with Anadrol or an injectable testosterone. The result should be an incredible gain of muscle size and strength, without the same intensity of side effects if using the androgen (at a higher dose) alone. When used in a cutting cycle, muscle hardness and density can be greatly improved when combining Equipoise with a non-aromatizable steroid such as trenbolone acetate, Halotestin, or Winstrol. For some however, even the low buildup of estrogen associated with this compound is enough to relegate its use to bulking cycles only.

Equipoise is not an ideal steroid for the drug tested athlete however. This drug has the tendency to produce detectable metabolites in the urine months after use, a worry most commonly associated with Deca-Durabolin. This is of course due to the high oil solubility of long chain esterified injectable steroids, a property which enables the drug to remain deposited in fatty tissues for extended periods of time. While this will reliably slow the release of steroid into the blood stream, it also allows small residual amounts to remain present in the body far after the initial injection. The release of stubborn stores of hormone would no doubt also be enhanced around contest time, a period when the athlete drastically attempts to mobilize unwanted body fat. If enough were used in the off-season, the athlete may actually fail a drug screen for boldenone although many months may have past since the drug was last injected.

Enjoy your day!

This is a steroid Profile ...Yes, Hmmm What is the Q's here ?

Anzel what is the deal with this Eq post. Is there something in Q here?

I am bewildered at the reason for this tread. All these profiles are available on********DO NOT POST LINKS*****************

Agovirin Depot - New

Anabolic DN - New

Anabolicum Vister - New


Anadrol 50






Androderm - New

Androgel - New

Andropen 275

Bolfortan - New

Cheque Drops


Deca Durabolin

Delatestryl - New

Deposterona - New

Depot Testosterone - New


Diandrol - New

Dimethyltrienolone - New



Durabolin - New

Dynabol - New


Emdabol - New


Equilon 100 - New


Ermalone - New



Fherbolico - New


Genabol - New

Halodrol - New


Havoc - New

Hydroxytest - New


Madol - New


Masteron Enanthate

Megagrisevit Mono - New

MENT - New


Methandriol Dipropionate

Methosarb - New

Methyl-1-Testosterone - New

Methyl-D - New



Miotolan - New

MOHN - New


Nandrabolin - New


Nandrolone Phenylpropionate

Nebido - New

Neo-Ponden - New

Neotest 250 - New


Norandren 50, 200



Oral Turinabol

Oranabol - New

Orgasteron - New




Perandren - New


Primobolan Depot


Promagnon - New

Prostanozol - New



Roxilon - New

Roxilon Inject - New





Steranabol Ritardo - New

Sterandryl Retard - New

Superdrol - New


Sustanon 250 - New

Synovex - New

Test 400

Testoderm - New


Testopel - New

Testosterone - New

Testosterone CHP

Testosterone Cypionate

Testosterone Enanthate

Testosterone Heptylate

Testosterone Propionate

Testosterone Suspension


The Clear

The Cream

THG - New

Thioderon - New

Transdermal Testosterone



Trenbolone Enanthate

Tri Trenabol

Tribolin - New


Winstrol Depot
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Lol! So you read the whole post looking for a question??
But it states right in the title....PROFILE, doesn't mention I have a question. oh well I guess you could have read something worse!
This is a steroid Profile ...Yes, Hmmm What is the Q's here ?

Anzel what is the deal with this Eq post. Is there something in Q here?

I am bewildered at the reason for this tread. All these profiles are available on********DO NOT POST LINKS*****************

Agovirin Depot - New

Anabolic DN - New

Anabolicum Vister - New


Anadrol 50






Androderm - New

Androgel - New

Andropen 275

Bolfortan - New

Cheque Drops


Deca Durabolin

Delatestryl - New

Deposterona - New

Depot Testosterone - New


Diandrol - New

Dimethyltrienolone - New



Durabolin - New

Dynabol - New


Emdabol - New


Equilon 100 - New


Ermalone - New



Fherbolico - New


Genabol - New

Halodrol - New


Havoc - New

Hydroxytest - New


Madol - New


Masteron Enanthate

Megagrisevit Mono - New

MENT - New


Methandriol Dipropionate

Methosarb - New

Methyl-1-Testosterone - New

Methyl-D - New



Miotolan - New

MOHN - New


Nandrabolin - New


Nandrolone Phenylpropionate

Nebido - New

Neo-Ponden - New

Neotest 250 - New


Norandren 50, 200



Oral Turinabol

Oranabol - New

Orgasteron - New




Perandren - New


Primobolan Depot


Promagnon - New

Prostanozol - New



Roxilon - New

Roxilon Inject - New





Steranabol Ritardo - New

Sterandryl Retard - New

Superdrol - New


Sustanon 250 - New

Synovex - New

Test 400

Testoderm - New


Testopel - New

Testosterone - New

Testosterone CHP

Testosterone Cypionate

Testosterone Enanthate

Testosterone Heptylate

Testosterone Propionate

Testosterone Suspension


The Clear

The Cream

THG - New

Thioderon - New

Transdermal Testosterone



Trenbolone Enanthate

Tri Trenabol

Tribolin - New


Winstrol Depot

slow your roll mike.
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About to start a cycle of 600mg Tcyp and 600mg EQ ew for 16 weeks. Ive read elsewhere about front loading eq? Having 40ml at 2.4ml/w x 16 = 38.4 should the remaining 1.6 be injected the first week?

On a side note.. this will be cycle 2 and I am on trt. I have been rotating every other pin between ******* test cyp and my most recent blood work came in spot on at 1362ng/dl and 28.22 free. I was doing this to use all pharma grade for my blast. Thanks PSL.
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I don't know about any questions in the post OMM but I definantly got an itch now to go buy some EQ...PSL no doubt.
I want some slow and steady gains;-)
Equipose is an interesting beast for me. I read some, ordered some, then read many others who said things Like "waste of money and blows up hematocrit and does nothing"
Granted my experiences are limited but I ran 14 weeks of test 500/Eq 600.... and it was awesome! Except for the part where I turned on my wife and almost ended up single (and a lot poorer!)

I'm getting ready to run it again with some modifications. It just worked too well for me not to do it again
About to start a cycle of 600mg Tcyp and 600mg EQ ew for 16 weeks. Ive read elsewhere about front loading eq? Having 40ml at 2.4ml/w x 16 = 38.4 should the remaining 1.6 be injected the first week?

On a side note.. this will be cycle 2 and I am on trt. I have been rotating every other pin between ******* test cyp and my most recent blood work came in spot on at 1362ng/dl and 28.22 free. I was doing this to use all pharma grade for my blast. Thanks PSL.

Personally I don't think front-loading is necessary. In fact I don't think you actually have enough to properly front load. Just Stick to normal routine.

Equipose is an interesting beast for me. I read some, ordered some, then read many others who said things Like "waste of money and blows up hematocrit and does nothing"
Granted my experiences are limited but I ran 14 weeks of test 500/Eq 600.... and it was awesome! Except for the part where I turned on my wife and almost ended up single (and a lot poorer!)

I'm getting ready to run it again with some modifications. It just worked too well for me not to do it again

Did you happen to check out your HCT whIle on that cycle? Wondering if it did sore high?

Did you happen to check out your HCT whIle on that cycle? Wondering if it did sore high?


Yup. Went from mid range to upper range but still in range. Donated and back to mid range. So not saying it didn't go up but that it didn't go up beyond my ability to control with a single standard red cell donation. Just like every other cycle I've done so far :-)
I don't know about any questions in the post OMM but I definantly got an itch now to go buy some EQ...PSL no doubt.
I want some slow and steady gains;-)

Good deal the thread served it's purpose :)

Remember all the attributes to each compound must be run at certain doses and for minimum time frame to get the wanted results to that compound. SO we also have to pay close attention to what and how we mix / stack the prime component being say EQ. Diet as we know being critical to all cycles is even more of a key when running such compounds as EQ and or some other compound we think we want to obtain the gains from it's attributes.

Just as I said a reminder , because we/ I see these things and want the results of that but many times we blow it buy over running too much test or even a kick off with Dbol etc... :wavey:
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Good deal the thread served it's purpose :)

Remember all the attributes to each compound must be run at certain doses and for minimum time frame to get the wanted results to that compound. SO we also have to pay close attention to what and how we mix / stack the prime component being say EQ. Diet as we know being critical to all cycles is even more of a key when running such compounds as EQ and or some other compound we think we want to obtain the gains from it's attributes.

Just as I said a reminder , because we/ I see these things and want the results of that but many times we blow it buy over running too much test or even a kick off with Dbol etc... :wavey:

Agreed! for me mast is a big one where diet is crucial...if I want to see results anyways. Low bf best
Equipose is an interesting beast for me. I read some, ordered some, then read many others who said things Like "waste of money and blows up hematocrit and does nothing"
Granted my experiences are limited but I ran 14 weeks of test 500/Eq 600.... and it was awesome! Except for the part where I turned on my wife and almost ended up single (and a lot poorer!)

I'm getting ready to run it again with some modifications. It just worked too well for me not to do it again
It will blow up hematocrit and do nothing if you don't do your part. You have to eat right, and eat like it's your fn job. Working out is the easy part. Sounds like you did it right. So many don't.
Equipose is an interesting beast for me. I read some, ordered some, then read many others who said things Like "waste of money and blows up hematocrit and does nothing"
Granted my experiences are limited but I ran 14 weeks of test 500/Eq 600.... and it was awesome! Except for the part where I turned on my wife and almost ended up single (and a lot poorer!)

I'm getting ready to run it again with some modifications. It just worked too well for me not to do it again
Did you run an ai with this. How much
I always run anastrazole and HCG. I'll have to look back at my notes to see how much.

I think 0.5mg eod but don't quote me
I always run anastrazole and HCG. I'll have to look back at my notes to see how much.

I think 0.5mg eod but don't quote me
Would be very helpful if you do find out how much hcg and ai. I am preparing to run sponsored EQ and sleep is crap when e2 is not balanced. No sleep = no gains