Aborting Test P Tren A and Masteron Cycle


New member

I am doing 75mg EOD of each and it has been about 3 weeks. My heart rate is constantly elevated and I'm thinking I should abort cycle. Should I jump into post cycle therapy (pct) rigt away with nolva (I currently have no gyno symptoms). I also have letro on hand as well as dostinex. I could run some left over ultradrol or lower the dose until clomid comes in.

Any advice?
I've been reading around and some are suggesting a post cycle therapy (pct) is not even needed because of the cycle length. This seems strange....advice ?
it's your call if you wanna come off, but I would post cycle therapy (pct) even though it's been short.
I would do post cycle therapy (pct) regardless probably. If you really want to abort I'd first discontinue tren, continue running test, and gauge your post cycle therapy (pct) when the clomid comes in. You have absolutely nothing to lose by running some clomid but lots to gain
Thanks bros. I agree, and I wish I could drop the tren, but it's "all in one" so I don't have a choice.

My heart rate is between 76 (morning sitting around) and 90 - 100 at night, heart seems to pound. Sources other stuff did this to me as well, as well as PIP like a mother. Other sources seemed ok.

Or maybe I am being a girl about it. I dont know. Is all of this normal?
Seems high to me, but then again you might just being freaking yourself out alittle and thus thinking about it too much etc. You should not run nolva with the tren cause its a 19-nor and running the nolva will make your progesterone receptors even more sensitive.

Realize you already know this, but this is why you should have all your post cycle therapy (pct) on hand before you start your cycle.

When do you expect your clomid to come in? Definitely dont just abandon your post cycle therapy (pct), especially since you were running tren, chances are you are more than shutdown at this point. I would try and keep going a few more pins, what can another 6 days hurt, and hopefully your clomid will be in by then. If you are feeling better, then keep your cycle going, if not, start your post cycle therapy (pct).

Good luck bro, be safe!
Sometimes When your heart is elevated in the mornings means you're over-training.

But it's up to you
If you think its jacking with you I might just drop the Tren and continue with everything else... possibly up the dose on those 2.

Never start a cycle without full post cycle therapy (pct) in hand because of shit like this... let alone trying to jump into a post cycle therapy (pct) without everything in hand.

How many cycles have you run before this?

IDK man id hate to waste all those gains but its up to you...
Im kickin myself for gettin the nolva. I had clomid on the way, too, for some reason it didn't check out in the cart, blah blah.

My heart rate right now at 1:33PM is about 95 BPM. Was 73 BPM upon waking. I did do 30 mins of cardio about an hour ago though.

I don't want to abort mission and lose gains, but I also want to play it safe.

As far as cycle history I have run prop about 400 mg per week and oral (epistane) for 4 weeks and 8 weeks, respectively.

Next was a superdrol cycle, 3 weeks at 10/20/30

Then test e 500mg per week with 3 weeks superdrol 10/20/30

After that test e for only about 1 month w 20 mg of dbol. Suspected test e to be fake so did not continue.

Then sustanon plus superdrol, sustanon was bunk, finished superdrol 20/20/20.

I was clean for a bit, then ran test e for 3 weeks, pip was awful and had flu, switched to cup, different source w no issues. Also ran this w ultradrol, 3 weeks. Good gains from this cycle.

Clomid on way, express delivery. I'm thinking this particular source's stuff is just dirty. I'm aware your heart rate increases on gear, but mine is too high. Due for shot today, but clomid should be here by sat, so I am just going to chill until then.

Thanks all, much appreciated.