About ready for next cycle.


New member

230 lbs
26 yrs old
10-12 % BF

Previous cycle:

Test e 750 mg week 1-12
Deca 400 mg week 1-11
dianabol 75 mg week 1-6
Arimidex .25 mg ED week 1-12
500 IU hcg

Made some great gains.. since that cycle ive ran a cycle of Clen and kept most of gains and shredded a lot of water and fat. was 241lbs at end of cycle.

Now I want to run some more gear. projected cycle:

2 cc of test 400 weekly weeks 1-12
400 mg NPP week 1-12
70mg dianabol week 1-6
arimidex .25 ED
keeping calories 1000 above maintenance. doing hardly any cardio. eating pretty much whatever outside of the greasy and fatty sections. taking all vitamins twice daily.

The reason I come to the forum is I want to go into a hardening phase directly after bulk just not sure the best way to do it. I have considered a few different routes. one being instead of coming off and going into a pct I would switch to test prop /tren /mast cycle and drop calories to help eliminate fat. of course this would crush my hpta and who knows what kinds of sides I may be having at that point.. anyone ever do this and recover afterwards? the other approach I imagined was to simply ad tren and mast to stack towards the end of cycle and instead going 11-12 weeks I would go for an additional 4-5 weeks adding tren and mast at weeks 8 or 9. Also I haven't dialed in on dosage yet. thought 400 test 400 mast and 600 tren would do it. suggestions ? gripes?

Thanks for the stats up front. :) AS well as goal.

I wish more guys would get used to doing that. Makes a lot of difference for us to get into suggestions.
It all depends how ambitious you want to be on your 2nd cycle. Drop the npp week 8 and add mast for the duration at 10 weeks and drop the test e for test prop. Lengthen your cycle to 14 weeks.

It's busy for a second cycle, but if you are going to do it you may as well do it right?
It all depends how ambitious you want to be on your 2nd cycle. Drop the npp week 8 and add mast for the duration at 10 weeks and drop the test e for test prop. Lengthen your cycle to 14 weeks.

It's busy for a second cycle, but if you are going to do it you may as well do it right?

Why would you not add tren as well? and what dosage of prop and masteron would you recommend. I want to be very hard and vascular by the end. Also what would you say about going with an oral winny for the last 5-6 weeks? I could time it to where I would have as much time off the Dbol before starting winny
Why would you not add tren as well? and what dosage of prop and masteron would you recommend. I want to be very hard and vascular by the end. Also what would you say about going with an oral winny for the last 5-6 weeks? I could time it to where I would have as much time off the Dbol before starting winny

Believe it or not, but your diet is just as important if not more than the drugs you use. Since it is your second cycle what you are taking is way ahead of what I am thinking.

Imo and I say this with hesitation to a novice who knows so little about what you plan to undertake.

300mg test prop ew
300 mg mast prop

Guys like you put us on the spot every day. You do no research and you ask us to give you a thumbs up on a knuckle head cycle.

Glad I could help you.

Believe it or not, but your diet is just as important if not more than the drugs you use. Since it is your second cycle what you are taking is way ahead of what I am thinking.

Imo and I say this with hesitation to a novice who knows so little about what you plan to undertake.

300mg test prop ew
300 mg mast prop

Guys like you put us on the spot every day. You do no research and you ask us to give you a thumbs up on a knuckle head cycle.

Glad I could help you.


I mentioned a previous cycle and you assume I'm planning on my second cycle ever? I don't know how you came up with that. Can you explain why you think its a knuckle head cycle before saying so, it seems so hallow.. I feel my diet training and body stats are ready for a more advanced cycle than YOU may suggest to a "novice", considering my goals and risks willing to take. Anyways, thanks for your input.
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Heres a more detailed report of daily calorie intake.

7AM - red potato and onion. 5 eggs over easy bacon or sausage. strawberries and blueberries. ALL vitamins. and liv support

10AM- Roast beef sandwich and vegetables with protein shake

11:30 protein shake

1PM meat and veggies meats always usually pork ribs steak or chicken.

3pm meat veggies carbs

6pm whatever the wife makes for dinner.

830-9pm protein shake and some kind of granola bar usually with a salad.
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so your basically doing the same as your last cycle just adding 50mg of Test more per week, and 5mg of dbol more as well. right? have you tried mct oil yet? http://www.steroidology.com/forum/d...fits-protocol-weight-loss-3j.html#post3719655

Hey, No I haven't personally tried it but would not be apposed to also.

Yes basically the same, 5 mg less of dbol daily and 50 mg more test a week cept the 400 has a combo of esters. -just saying-
The one I have is called BIO-TS400 it has ...

test decanoate 200mg
test isocaproate 30mg
test phenylpropionate 40mg
test prop 30mg
test c 50 mg
test e 50mg
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ok.. any idea how many calories this is?? seems like its vague.. you cant guess cals.. u need to be empirical about it and weigh/measure everything
Heres a more detailed report of daily calorie intake.

7AM - red potato and onion. 5 eggs over easy bacon or sausage. strawberries and blueberries. ALL vitamins. and liv support

10AM- Roast beef sandwich and vegetables with protein shake

11:30 protein shake

1PM meat and veggies meats always usually pork ribs steak or chicken.

3pm meat veggies carbs

6pm whatever the wife makes for dinner.

830-9pm protein shake and some kind of granola bar usually with a salad.
ok.. any idea how many calories this is?? seems like its vague.. you cant guess cals.. u need to be empirical about it and weigh/measure everything

This is something I'm definitely slacking on to a certain degree. I think its mostly because, I'm simply still learning everything. With that being said, the way I'm judging calories at the momemt is based on the last time I bulked. Last time I just ate ate ate. Everything. huge meals 7, 8 times a day. got really strong but did not like my physique as much. So this time I'm just eating smaller meals and see where it takes me, right now I'm bouncing between 229-231 lbs for the last week. also ive been trying the mtc oil like Milton suggested, nothing crazy just 27g mtc oil with coffee 30 minutes before first meal. ok so with all that said, is there somewhere I can go to get an exact calorie intake I need for my body weight and goal for my routine..? I know to space out carbs to not every meal but some people say you should 40% carbs, 40% protein, 20 % good fats every meal. bunch of veggies and enough protein 1-1.5 grams per lb body weight. I'm willing to go the extra mile with diet for sure just need the guidance
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Will I get decent results from 1ml of deca 250mg and 1ml of test 250mg a week for a 10 week cycle?
Will I get decent results from 1ml of deca 250mg and 1ml of test 250mg a week for a 10 week cycle?

That's a pretty low dose of test for a 10 week cycle. usually low doses like that and even lower are for people on TRT. It would definitely work, but I would suggest 500 mg of test a week and atleast 400 mg deca. Why shut yourself down for a relatively low test level? Whats your stats? and you plan on running an AI? might need it with that stack
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That's a pretty low dose of test for a 10 week cycle. usually low doses like that and even lower are for people on TRT. It would definitely work, but I would suggest 500 mg of test a week and atleast 400 mg deca. Why shut yourself down for a relatively low test level? Whats your stats? and you plan on running an AI? might need it with that stack

25 years old
210 pound
And 5''10 in height
25 years old
210 pound
And 5''10 in height

You may want to post this question in a new thread so more people will see it. Be really descriptive if you can. Whats your bf percentage? previous cycle? are you running AI? don't want a ton of estrogen floating around
Hey dude, sorry didnt write back sooner been really busy lately. But im not sure yet what bf%... and this will just be my 2nd cycle. Also I've been researching trying to figure out which (AI) would be best to use because I didn't won't none of the bloating also like you said they will be too much estrogen floating around to not use one. I was leaning towards nolva.... and I appreciate all your help you gave me so far.