About to run my second cycle and need some advice PLZ


New member
Whatsup guys,
So I am starting my second cycle and just wanted to make sure I'm good with everything and clear up a couple of questions that I have. I'm gonna run it for 10 weeks and here's what I'm running:

- Test400 - trying to figure out if I should do 1ml/week (.5 Monday, .5 Friday) or bump it up to 1.5 ml/week (.75 Monday, .75 friday) or even 2ml/ week (1 Monday and 1 Friday). Heard mixed reviews on dosages

- anavar @ 50mg a day - keep hearing that orals should only be ran for 8 weeks but also heard I can run from beginning and shouldn't be a problem. Not sure what to do.

- during my cycle I'll be taking 50mg of nolavdex EOD
I've read a lot about AIs or taking HCG during my cycle and I'm not completely sure if that's necessary. Want some clarification on that. I don't mind spending the money I'm more concerned about my body. But don't wanna overload my body if it's not necessary. Any recommendations?

-post cycle - I'll be taking HCG a week or two after my last shot, and running clomid for about a month.
This is what I did my first pct and everything went fine.

Some stats:
I'm 5'9, 190lbs, 12-14% bf, 25 years old

Thanks in advance for all the help!
T-400 .5 ml three times a week Mwf Anavar 50 mg Ed first 6 weeks and nolva needs to be Ed and I would say 10-20 mg Ed should be fine
Whatsup guys,
So I am starting my second cycle and just wanted to make sure I'm good with everything and clear up a couple of questions that I have. I'm gonna run it for 10 weeks and here's what I'm running:
run cycle for 12 to 14 weeks
- Test400 - trying to figure out if I should do 1ml/week (.5 Monday, .5 Friday) or bump it up to 1.5 ml/week (.75 Monday, .75 friday) or even 2ml/ week (1 Monday and 1 Friday). Heard mixed reviews on dosages
do 500mg ew total this time around IMO

- anavar @ 50mg a day - keep hearing that orals should only be ran for 8 weeks but also heard I can run from beginning and shouldn't be a problem. Not sure what to do.
run it for 8 weeks if you wish , i wouldent rec much more IMO
- during my cycle I'll be taking 50mg of nolavdex EOD why?? it doesnt lower estrogen, only bandaids the issue of high estrogen , sure you avoid gyno but you leave all the other health issues related to high estrogen to happen
I've read a lot about AIs or taking HCG during my cycle and I'm not completely sure if that's necessary. Want some clarification on that. I don't mind spending the money I'm more concerned about my body. But don't wanna overload my body if it's not necessary. Any recommendations?
use an AI, like dex 0.25mg eod from week one to the start of PCT and ditch the SERM on cycle

-post cycle - I'll be taking HCG a week or two after my last shot, and running clomid for about a month.
This is what I did my first pct and everything went fine.
use HCG at last 4-5 weekf of cycle leading up to BUT NOT into PCT, 500iu 2x a week IMO
Some stats:
I'm 5'9, 190lbs, 12-14% bf, 25 years old

Thanks in advance for all the help!

i added in bold red, hope it helps
Awesome info man! Really appreciate it! One last question tho, what would I take during my pct if I'm not taking HCG? Other than clomid