About to start cycle, have question about bloodwork


New member
Hey guys so I'm starting my cycle today. Test/Var for 12-14 weeks

I just got done with bloodwork and will pin tonight. Bloodwork will come back in 3-4 days so I will know what I was naturally.

This is my first cycle where I run bloodwork. My main question is the topic of dumping/donating blood while in cycle when RBC count is too high(I think that is what the cause is).

So how often do I get bloodwork while on cycle to keep this monitored? And are you guaranteed at some point in your cycle to get to a situation where dumping blood will be required? Also how long does the donating blood process usually take? I already know I will pass out when I have to do it, but screw it, it's better than the health risks it can cause by not doing it.
Why would you pass out donating blood? It is easy. You just sit there and eat some cookies ans chocolate milk afterwards. If you are lucky you will get a pretty phlebotomist.

You can donate blood every 56 days. Takes about 6 minutes once they start.

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You don't need to donate blood for a little cycle that shits for long cycles heavy use or never coming off.
You don't need to donate blood for a little cycle that shits for long cycles heavy use or never coming off.

Or if, ya know, your hematocrit is turning your blood into jello. :p

I'll make this super easy: donate before your cycle, then 56 days later. Repeat until you're done (or if you have a really cute phlebotomist, until you get her in bed).

My dos pesos. :)
Why would you pass out donating blood? It is easy. You just sit there and eat some cookies ans chocolate milk afterwards. If you are lucky you will get a pretty phlebotomist.

You can donate blood every 56 days. Takes about 6 minutes once they start.

WTF only takes 6 minutes??? Someone told me it takes 30 min after they put the needle in
WTF only takes 6 minutes??? Someone told me it takes 30 min after they put the needle in

Not for whole blood donation unless your blood is as thick as yogurt. :-)

Drink a lot of water the day before donating blood and the day of. This will help -- and make it easier for them to find your vein.