Accidentally ordered Liquid Tamox for pct


New member
I accidentally ordered liquid tamox instead of liquid clomid last week. Still not sure how i messed that up but I did. I dont have much liquid clomid left and am just finishing a cycle of superdrol. I dont know much about tamox other than its a qyno preventer and is supposed to help replenish natural test levels. (not sure if it work in the same manor as clomid????) Do I need to order some more clomid or am I good to go on this stuff alone for pct.
Tamoxifen is nolvadex. A very popular estrogen blocker. you will be fine using it in your post cycle therapy (pct), it works like clomid, theyre both competitive inhibitors. I use it for all of my PCT treatments.
Everyone has their own dosing protocols, but a common 4 week scheme is 40/40/20/20. Myself, i have always done good with 40/30/20/10. Add a test booster, and continue with your usual support supplements and youll have a good PCT.
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DAA works pretty well and a lot of guys seem to like hcgenerate. They will definitely raise libido but I can't say for sure if they actually restore HPTA any faster, but at least you'll get wood while your waiting. Lol
DAA works pretty well and a lot of guys seem to like hcgenerate. They will definitely raise libido but I can't say for sure if they actually restore HPTA any faster, but at least you'll get wood while your waiting. Lol


The HCGen will make it easier to get wood and please ur lady friends.