Acne Treatment


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Acne can be one of the most disfiguring diseases commonly facing adolescents and adults in America. Many acne sufferers find themselves wondering, "Why me?" Even people who wash often, practice good hygiene, and use moisturizers often find themselves victims of this malady. For such people, the causes of acne become a serious concern and major puzzle. Even more important for acne sufferers is finding an effective acne treatment to combat the scourge. A brief look at acne causes and effective acne treatment may help these hapless souls.
I totally agree that people who wash often, practice good hygiene, and use moisturizers often find themselves victims of this malady.. That means the people who are so conscious about their skins or do really cares for it also affect from this..
10% Benzoyl Peroxide is all i ever needed. If i use it everyday then there is no Acne, not even on cycle. This is very cheep at walmart and is the Active ingrediant in Proactive and I bet the only ingrediant that works. It has been proven time and time again to work. Agian thats 10% Benzoyl Peroxide...Get i lower consentration if your face is sensitive.