Hey squats... I know where your coming from and i think there is always a bit of confusion on this topic.... I'll do my best to give some examples... When a woman starts her cycle each month, assuming she is on a normal schedule, it is often common that she will become moody, emotional, bloated, develop some acne, ect... These common traits occur do to a spike in estrogen at about day 14 of her cycle and then gradually taper off. But it is definitely estrogen that is the culprit.
Now, in men, while yes it is true that test increases oil production, it is actually the aromitization of the testosterone that is converting to estrogen that causes men to hold water, become moody, develop acne,etc...
That is why, imo, that running anti-estrogens through a mans cycle is so important. As it has been proven that if a mans estrogen levels drop to low, it will directly affect his muscular gains and negatively impact his libido, finding a perfect balance is key. So while i dont disagree with your theory of test producing oil, mixing with bacteria and forming acne, i believe that is only half the problem. As im sure you've seen, many male bodybuilders suffer severe acne and at the same time gyno is forming like it is going out of style.... Test+aromitization+lack of anti-estrogens= not so good things. Let me know if you think that makes sense. Thanks