Add to Super DMZ cycle for libido?


New member
I'm looking to do my 3rd PH cycle and I'm going with the new Super DMZ. I did a dymethazine cycle a year or so ago and I had a bit of a loss of libido towards the end of the cycle and while on PCT. I'm wondering what, if anything over the counter I should/could take to control this. Also, any suggestions on the cycle if I should add anything in general. I am somewhat prone to gyno, but have been good with preventing it so far.

Stats: 31 yrs old. 195 lbs. 9-10% BF

Cycle: Weeks 1-4
Super dmz: as directed
Cycle support

Weeks 5-8 Nolva 20/20/10/10
Post cycle support

Weeks 5-10

Weeks 7-10

Should I add something to this for libido (on or PCT) Should I add anything for E control OR natty test boost?

Thanks in advance for any input.
Chances are you will be shutdown hard after this cycle. I dont know much about DMZ but Im pretty sure its similar to superdrol and if it is your pct should be increased you should up the nolva to 40/20/20/10 (personally i would use clomid dosed at 100/50/50/25). If you see signs of gyno on cycle (which you should not cos superdrol doesnt aromatize) then take 40 mg of nolva to control it.

I recently did a superdrol only cycle and was shutdown bad. Took a while to recover and had no libido. You may want to incorporate a test base. Preferably dosing test-e at 200mg+ per week. This will allow you to have extra test in your body which will give you the benefits of testosterone and not the shutdown issue. Good luck.