Opinion on estrogren levels as I wait to begin PCT

do not take aromasin right up til PCT, stop it at least one week before clomid/nolvadex... from personal experience and people I***8217;ve trained, waiting longer to start PCT is always the better option. good luck and keep us posted.
This question depends on bloodwork but that's not really what you're asking. My opinion is you need an AI, maybe 1/4 of what ya took on cycle, for at least 2 or 3 weeks after your cycle(with cypionate).
I wouldn't take an AI during PCT. Your E2 is going to go down because your TT is going to go down because you are not injecting anymore.
I***8217;m in Canada, hassle and a half to get bloodwork done especially justifying why I want certain tests checked. No, unfortunately no mid cycle blood work. Had I did the doctor would know I***8217;m on gear

how do Canadians get blood works done then?