Adderall and


New member
How safe is it to be on Adderall and on Test E due to having a higher blood pressure level? Im not on any anabolics but just seeing what some of the veterans on the forum might say. The only reason IM on the Adderall is because of a physical, strenuous job that sometimes requires me to work 12 hour shifts and Im also balancing trying to finish my degree. Im 28 years old, 6'3 205lbs currently and lift on and off when the job doesn't get in the way.

I know a lot of research is needed before starting a first cycle and I don not plan on starting anytime soon, just asking because I couldn't find any research on the mix of the two.

Thank you all who reply in advance!
your cruising for a bruising, those 2 do not mix and why do you want to do testosterone for??
why not drink more coffee? what made you get on adderal to begin with?
testosterone aint some pill you can take and wait for results. you must do it with an Ai, HCG during your cycle followed by pct of nolvadex and clomid.
You must do bloodtest before, during and after.
The question is wrong...
Its not safe to take either steroids or adderall if i'm gonna nitpick....

It should be, "how dangerous is it to take adderall and steroids....??"
Adderall is also a mix of amphetamines which makes it more "unsafe".

What it boils down too...
While on a cycle your heart, liver and kidneys are under constant attack, on steroids alone your red blood cell count increases and so does your hematocrit levels. To keep it simple, it makes your blood thicker and harder to pump around in your body.

Now you add adderall which will make your heart and body work twice as hard, you're also putting amphetamine in your body which is a vascular constrictor.
So now you got a situation where your blood is thicker and your veins are smaller, all while having to work twice as hard to pump it around... Not such a good combination...

Its a good recipe for a host of various deadly side effects, such as heart attacks, strokes etc.

To answer your question.... No, its not a safe combination... Its one thing to "accidentally" party a weekend while on cycle and its very different compared to literally running a cycle on speed...
I'm kinda the dude that you do as I say and not as I do lol...
I could give you pointers on how to make it safer but end of the day....its not a good combination and nothing I condone. Not even if you had legit reasons to take it (such as add/adhd).
This will put a heavy load on your heart which will result in future heart issues. Having to take a bloodthinner to thin your blood out due to its heavy substance might result in you having a stroke.
like satan666 said, Adderall constricts the blood vessels which is no bueno when the heart is already stressed from aas, thicker blood through smaller veins is a good recipe for a aneurysm. I do have adhd and I do get Adderall the 20***8217;s and I rarely take a half of one. Maybe once or twice a month. My experience with Adderall is it***8217;s a crutch if it***8217;s used for the stim effect. When I take it is when I have a task That I really need to focus on, not to get all sped up. You***8217;re on the right track to addiction, nobody should take addy***8217;s for the stim effect!!!! Once you become the machine at work because of the speed and you can***8217;t perform the same without it you will be stuck in the rut of always needing it to perform. I believe that***8217;s what one calls addiction. Throw the Adderall out, you aren***8217;t getting it prescribed. You will eventually have to stop taking it eventually,so no better time than now. Good luck.
With out a doubt using aderal and steroids together is a bad idea. I'm sure the pro bodybuilders use a lot worse shit but most those guys seem to be able to handle way more drugs before they get side effects. At the end of the day steroids and any form of speed combined is really dangerous and not worth it.
like satan666 said, Adderall constricts the blood vessels which is no bueno when the heart is already stressed from aas, thicker blood through smaller veins is a good recipe for a aneurysm. I do have adhd and I do get Adderall the 20***8217;s and I rarely take a half of one. Maybe once or twice a month. My experience with Adderall is it***8217;s a crutch if it***8217;s used for the stim effect. When I take it is when I have a task That I really need to focus on, not to get all sped up. You***8217;re on the right track to addiction, nobody should take addy***8217;s for the stim effect!!!! Once you become the machine at work because of the speed and you can***8217;t perform the same without it you will be stuck in the rut of always needing it to perform. I believe that***8217;s what one calls addiction. Throw the Adderall out, you aren***8217;t getting it prescribed. You will eventually have to stop taking it eventually,so no better time than now. Good luck.

Wise words.
I just want to add, OP, dont sell your soul for your career, its not gonna work and not even worth it in the long run.
Coffee and pre workout cardio does enough for me without having to add something as strong as adderall to my cycle mix.
5 hour energy drink works for me with that harsh sides of Adderall which include:

Stomach ache.
Decreased appetite.
Trouble sleeping.
Dry mouth.
it can also lead to severe psychological or physical dependence and are considered ***8220;dangerous***8221; (less than heroin, more than Valium)