Adding another Compound


New member
Im at the end of week 4 now of a 10 week test e cycle 600mg wk and only seeing slight strength gains,
I wanna add another compound around week 6 till 10 what would be my best choice?
No second just want to boost it with something else at the end, it took very long to kick in, i was thinking bout just buying more test e and running it for 15wk but ill have to get some more adex, dunno??
How is your diet, and maybe it is possible your test may be underdosed?
A lot of people find test doesn't really kick in till good few weeks have passed, so maybe next few weeks you will start to see some results..
Your strength doesn't increase alot on a test only cycle. Your focus at the gym and intensity will go through the roof. You will start to fill out nicely at any time now assuming your diet (and gear) in spot on. I'll say one thing though, for more strength and size...dbol is a highly proven anabolic that works out really good. It last throughout your whole cycle which makes it a nice addition.
Week four you are just starting to see the results from enanthate. I'd wait till week six and re-evaluate. If you're impatient though, an oral is a quick way to "feel something." Strength comes with time, though. So your average dianabol, turinabol, anavar, superdrol, anadrol, etc., will give you that bump you're looking for. You probably don't need it, however.
ya keep positive thats all i can do im not really recording reps/sets just going all out everyday, 7 days a week, recovering almost instantly, so for all i know i am gaining strength, its just my max lifts are staying around the same and im used to working out so i would notice it, iv no kinda locked out/ tensed up feeling like off orals yet, im definately getting bigger though 13lbs in 4 weeks solid, i take some adex if i notice any bloating so its not water, ya and pump is through the roof.
Still waiting on the crazy strength
maybe im just expecting the drugged up feeling i got off orals, i was kinda hoping that came with test but oh well ill make do!
Thanks couch for the positivity :yesway:
buy more test and run it longer like 12-15 weeks itll give you much better gains and youll keep more, ensure you got the adex or aromasin and youll enjoy it much more buddy, like others have said it takes 4 weeks for it too build and youre just getting going id be patient and just stick too your test for now.
If you add dbol id run a liver support like liv52, N2guard etc the N2guard is what i use with orals as it also helps with bloodpressure etc. id just stick with the test and enjoy it bud just lengthen the cycle and youll be all good and make sure you got your Ai.
ya i stopped my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) because sensitive nips went away and iv no other sides so i might just start it again if needed, try keep it as long as i can and add another 5wks to my cycle, only used it during week 3 to mid week 4 but when i popped 10mg nolvadex mid wk 4 sensitivity completly went and hasnt come back since, i wouldnt take more than 10mg a week though.

So should i definately feel strength gains at the end of week 5 ??
Again, with a long slow ester and test-only like you're running, you're not going to necessarily have strength gains at week 5. It works slowly, with training and diet. The strength isn't just a magical gain. It comes from added muscle mass. You should notice it by the end of the cycle, for sure, but remember test at these doses is subtle. Hell, even test at 900/wk is still subtle -- it takes work, and the gains comes from training.