adding anvar to clen cylce


New member
Hi. Im a 26 year old, 5ft2in, 136lbs, 26.6%bf female. Im currently on day 8 of my first clen cycle. I've lost 2 pounds and excited to keep this up. My cycle is going 20 20 40 40 60 60 80 80 100 100 100 100 100 100 80 80 60 60 then i will take 10 days off. I tolerate 100 pretty well but my next cycle i will only be going as high as 80 though and possibly just 2w on 2w off. My bf purchased some anavar for me and i will be adding that in for the last 8 weeks of my clen cycle(that is when my var will probably be here)

What is the best way to add it in? Starting at 5? Or just jumping into 10? Has anyone experience experienced neg side effects at these doses? If i do get acne or other side effects, how long til they go away?

I try to workout 5 to 6 days a week. 30 to 45 min of cardio and heavy weight lifting.

My goal is weightloss(fat loss) and turning said fat to strong lean muscle but still keep a feminine look.

Once i reach my goals is it normal to continue on these supplements or just maintain naturally?

Thanks for your time and input!
Other supplements i take:
·Milk thistle for liver with my am and pm clen doses
·Preworkout, aminos, protein (mostly cellucor, ON, and BSN)
·SuperHD and clk OR CLA and l-carnitine, when im not using clen
From what I have read, starting at 10 is fine. If you want to play it safe and see how your body reacts, start with 5 (which I think is a smart move - if you have bad effects at 5, imagine them doubled!). Once you know how your body reacts you know where to start at next time. Some side effects to watch out for are deepening of the voice, facial hair, acne, and nausea. Most women do not experience these effects until they go beyond using 20. Still, better to start safe and work up from there.

You could always try some SARMS as well, such as Ostarine (MK-2866) and/or GW50 as well. Osta helps to preserve, and even create, muscle and GW50 forces the body to shift its preferred fuel source to fat instead of carbs while doing cardio. Best thing about SARMS is that they are orally administered, not harsh on the liver (though I always recommend taking NAC to help the liver anyway), have very little side effects, and are not illegal to buy or own. Just like with steroids and peptides, you have to buy them from a known, good source. A forum sponsor is and they sell both these items. Use SHREDDED30 for 30% off all orders (not sure how long that deal lasts) if you want to buy anything. A well respected forum member, psizzle, is a woman so hopefully she will chime in here.

If you wanted to keep using the Clen without having to take the two weeks off, you can use Ketotifen starting at week 2 and running it the entire time along side the Clen. It prevents the body from becoming desensitized to the Clen. You can get that from another forum sponsor, RUI.

Once you reach your goals you no longer have to take any of the SARMS or other items, just maintain a healthy lifestyle and you will be fine. They are simply aids to help you drop fat and gain muscle faster. If you notice you are slowly putting some fat back on, either adjust your diet or your activity level to balance it back out.
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I dont think i will add anything else at this time and i dont want to do a continuous clen cycle. Thanks for the input though. We will see how these 2 go for me
I want to do clen for 6 weeks. what is keto? is this like clen? I am thinking of using albuterol or clen, I am not sure which yet.

Good work thread starter! keep up good work! : )
Ketotifen, it prevents the down regulation of the receptors that Clenbuterol attaches to. You start taking it during the second week of taking Clen. If you do not use Ketotifen, you will need to stop taking Clen after a bit because the body basically becomes immune to its effects. Keto allows you to continue taking Clen essentially forever.