Adding DBOL into a 10th week Test Cycle ok?


New member
I'm into a Test E cycle about 10 weeks (500mg/week). Planning on running it to maybe 12-13 weeks. It took about 8 weeks for me to start seeing some gains, and I've got some dbol left over . Would it be ok to add some dbol in now and run it along with the test for the next few weeks, or is there a reason I shouldn't?

I know normally you use it at the start of the cycle for about 4 weeks (which I did), but just wondering if I added it in again now for the last few weeks of my cycle would there be any benefit?

You should be fine, hopefully you have liver support going. Benefits? It's a highly anabolic substance that kicks in relatively quickly?

Just don't run it once you stop the test.
Follow halfwit's advise...

You can run dbol anywhere in the cycle as long as it's - in - the cycle.
Ok thank for the replies guys... But just out of curiosity, why do you say to run it only *in* the cycle?

thanks again